U1 Part 3: Genetics Inquiry Project & Exam

Final answer for Your Genetics Project

Submit the information (sources and reference list for your genetics inquiry question below) _ Due date = Oct. TBC, 2023

Sc. 10 Day 1_Period 1 – Fri. Nov. 3, 2-2023

Sc. 10 Day 2_Period 6

Part 1:

Why and how to make an annotated bibliography 

Annotated Bibliography Support_Purdue Owl

Part 2:

Student Lab Sheet

how to construct a scientific argument:

Step 1:  Learn how to create an In-text Citation:

Watch the following video clips  to learn how to fact check your arguments:

Watch the video clip to learn more how to make a Reference page:

my bib.com _ citation maker 

Genetics Inquiry Research Project