U2 Part 1: Chemistry Labs

Chapter 4:  Atomic Theory

Lab Activity #1:


Mini Lab on Classification of elements


Lab Activity #2:

Lab Activity #3:

Lab 4-3A “Conservation of Mass”  from BC Science 10 Textbook Page 203

Sc. 10 Lab. 4-3A Conservation of Mass data

Chapter 5: Classifying Compounds

Lab Activity #1:

BC Sc. 10 Lab 5-1A “Acidic, Basic or Neutral?”; Page 221.

Total = X/Formative; (Practice using indicators to test pH); 

Learning Goal:  To be able to explain how you know a solution is acidic, basic or neutral.

Lab Activity #2:

Student Lab Sheet: “Properties of Acids & Bases” 


Total = X/20

Claim, evidence Reasoning Conclusion. Be able to explain “how you know the pH of an unknown solution.

Student Copy lab 5-1b “Properties of Acids and Bases”

Student copy of Lab 5-1B Conclusion Writing Sheet

Lab Activity #3:

BC Sc. 10 Lab 5-2A”Three Salts”; Page 235.

Total = x/10

Results & Conclusion. Be able to explain how salts are produced (Reactants to products).

Student Copy lab 5-3B “Three Salts”

Video #1:  Acid + Base react to produce a salt and water and heat

Neutralization Reactions:


Video #2:  Acid + Metal react to produce a salt and hydrogen gas

Video #3:  Acid + metal carbonate react to produce a salt, water and carbon dioxide

Lab Activity #4:

BC Sc. 10 Lab 5-3A “Sketching Organic Compounds” Page 245.

Total = X/Formative 
Answer the questions in “What did you find out? Page 245.

Lab 5-3A "Sketching Organic Compounds"

Lab Activity #5:

BC Sc. 10 Lab 5-3c “Using Models to Represent Organic Compounds” Page 249.

Total = X/Formative
Answer questions on Page 249 “What did you find out”.

Lab 5-3C "Using Models to Represent Organic Compounds"



Lab Activity #6:

Lab #1: 

Reaction rates

LAB 6A:  Reaction Types & How to speed up reactions

Making Bath Bombs_Practice Predicting the products:

Chapter 7:  Atomic Theory

Virtual Field Trip – Manhattan Project