Different States of Matter and Mind – Enjoy

Science says homework is bad for your eyes. Get outside and look at light and the pretty trees.

Scientists have discovered that children who spend time out doors can reduce the incidence of myopia (nearsightedness) by up to 50% by spending time outside in the sunlight looking at mountains and the trees.


Learn More:


Eye Cells act as light pipes (fibre optics)

Researchers have worked out how the eye is able to guide light to the cells in the eye that are sensitive to light.  The retina is the part of the eye that is sensitive to light.  The retina is located at the back of the eye. Light sensitive cells are called photoreceptor cells. At first, scientists were not sure why the eye was “blurring” the light before making use of light for image formation.   The cells on top of the photoreceptors have the ability to guide light to photoreceptor cells.

Learn more

Car Challenge – challenging, interesting and educational!

A BIG thank you to all of the students who worked so well together to participate in the 2015 Balloon Car Challenge.  Don’t forget to enter your team by the March 15th deadline.


2015 Car Challenge – on your mark, get set ….


Who knew light could be so much fun? – Get ready for the Light Fair!

The folks who designed the Canadian Passport – made it into one big party under Black Light!  The first picture shows what the image looks light under black light.   The second picture shows what the image looks like under natural light.

Go Celebrate Canadians!


Fluor 2015 Balloon Powered Car – On your mark, get set, ….

Fluor Contest Rules – 2015 Challenge

An inexpensive material can cost the cost of energy

Learn more about how a cheap material can cut the cost of energy.

If at first you don’t succeed – try, try again: Red-Backed Fairy-wren doesn’t give-up!


Learn more about how evolutionary biologists are revising their understanding of how evolution works.  Biologists have described a form of phenotypic plasticity in fairy-wrens.  The Red-backed fairy wren displays a different feather colour (red and black vs brown) depending on the nature of their social interactions.   The type of plumage colour is determined by how much testosterone the male birds have prior to the breeding season.  Testosterone production is regulated by social interactions between the male Red-backed fairy-wrens.  If the male fairy-wren is higher ranked (more successful  in attracting female attention) the feather colour becomes brighter.  The colour change is not permanent.  Lower ranked male fairy-wrens can change to the bright plumage colour in subsequent years.

Insects can be killed with UV light.

Learn more how scientists discovered that certain frequencies of visible light caused insect larvae to be killed.

Welcome Back! Enjoy the many opportunities to learn about the world.

whale title

2015 is the year of soil.  Enjoy the many opportunities to learn about how soil is formed and used to sustain ecosystems.

