Whale poop helps to keep the nutrient cycle working!

Learn more about how whale poop keeps the phosphorous cycle working!

Bamboo the remarkable grass and it’s role in ecosystems. How do pandas exist in the wild?

Pandas need bamboo to survive.  Research reveals how the panda depends on bamboo for survival.

Bamboo is a grass that has a remarkable ability to grow several meters in one day.  Bamboo forests are found in Southwest China.

OK Let’s Do The Math ! – Martian the Movie tries to remain faithful to scientific principles

In order to ‘Science the *&#^ out of this’ it is necessary to do some math.
What do you do when everything goes south on you?

Learn more about the accuracy of the science that was used to help tell a story about the drive to communicate.

The 100 most endangered species on the planet – see the full list.

Learn more about the top 100 most endangered animals on the planet


Nasa Scientists say that water might be flowing on Mars.

water on mars

Nasa scientists think that water might be flowing on Mars.  Using the latest images from the Mars Orbiter satellite scientists  hypothesize that there might be water on Mars.  Scientists know that salts can absorb water and once enough water is absorbed this “water” can start to flow.  This finding is significant because it suggests that microbial life can be supported on Mars.  Mars was habitual when it was first formed.  As well, missions to Mars might be able to use the Martian water to survive.  As with many scientific discoveries many more questions have been posed by this discovery than have been answered.  Stay tuned.

Water on the Red Planet in pictures.

The Beaver has many remarkable adaptations that help it survive in a four season climate.

bear snack


The Canadian Mint uses the Beaver on the 5 cent coin.

beaver 2

The Canadian Mint has the beaver on the five dollar coin.

Russian Hats

Random clips of Tranquille River Beavers from Frank Ritcey on Vimeo.

Local plants have unique characteristics that help animals survive.


Asters are grown commercially for use in the fall garden. The native aster is much paler and smaller in colour.

Asters bloom in the fall and provide an important source of food for bees.


As the fall progresses rose hips become a deep red colour. The rose hip will remain attached to the plant for the entire winter. Rose hips are an important food source for birds.

Rose plants mature and produce a seed pod called a rose hip. An ounce of rose hips have 200% of the daily required amount of Vitamin C and 7 grams of fibre.

All plants and animals have interesting adaptations (structural, physiological and chemical) that help them to survive.

Learn more about how bears survive the winter hibernation period without damaging their bones.black_bear_bones_copy

Welcome Back to Class!

IMG_6491Hi, thanks for stopping by – Welcome to Science 10!

Super Conductor Properties are being demoed in Fun and Interesting ways!

Lexus made a car ad with superconductors in it on top of a magnetic track.  Superconductors are able to lock into a magnetic field.

The academic year 2014-2015 draws to a close – take what you learned and enjoy the summer even more!