Dare to learn more about atomic theory – candy atoms

New Planet is most likely hiding behind Pluto – amazing work is being done in planetary Science!


Mike Brown, a planetary researcher at Caltech, claims that a big planet is WAITING to be discovered!  

Learn more about how Scientists believe that a large uncatalogued planet is hiding out beyond Pluto!

Read the Article!

Look up! – A rare celestial event is happening in the pre-dawn Sky.


Learn more about the 5 planets that will be visible in the pre-dawn sky!

On Wednesday January 20, 2016  FIVE  planets will be visible without the use of a telescope in the pre-dawn sky!

New Information about the subduction zone along the coast of BC

New Information about the tectonic plates alongside North American is providing researchers with exciting information about seismic activity in the Ring of Fire.

Episodic Tremor and Slip along subduction zones.

Michael Smith – Science 10 Contest

Michael Smith Challenge is designed to be written by students currently taking grade 10 Science or lower. Students who have started their grade 11 science courses for a month or more prior to the Challenge official writing date, or have completed any grade 11 level science course, are not eligible for the competition.

This 1-hour exam is to be written on February 23, 2016, and must take place during the following times:

9:00-10:00AM Pacific

Michael Smith Contest Date has been announced – register in your Science 10 Class – Registration Deadline is Thursday Feb. 11, 2016

Third times the charm – SpaceX successfully stops the explosion of their space launcher!

Space X has successfully launched the first stage of the FALCON 9 rocket and landed the stage that launched the rock.  The first 2 attempts by SpaceX resulted in explosions and the first stage of the rocket blew up. SpaceX has succeeded in making space travel much more affordable.
Lift off of Falcon 9

Have a Safe and Happy Winter Vacation – keep track of Santa and the Elves!


Keep Track of Santa – Let the Satellites keep you up to date!

Norad Santa Tracker – let the fun begin!

Negative health outcomes have been linked to prenatal (before birth) exposure to environmental chemicals


“Widespread exposure to toxic environmental chemicals threatens healthy human reproduction. Industrial chemicals are used and discarded in every aspect of daily life and are ubiquitous in food, water, air, and consumer products. Exposure to environmental chemicals and metals permeates all parts of life across the globe. Toxic chemicals enter the environment through food and energy production, industrial emissions and accidents, waste, transportation, and the making, use, and disposal of consumer and personal care products.”

Take Action against Pre-Polluted Babies!

“Exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy and lactation is ubiquitous,” the organization cautioned, adding that virtually every pregnant woman in America has at least 43 different chemical contaminants in her body. It cited a National Cancer Institute reportfinding that “to a disturbing extent babies are born ‘pre-polluted.’”

Global Climate Change Talks – what’s all the talk about?

Bill Nye – Climate Change 101

Listen to an interview with physicist Raymond Pierrehumbert Describe how it all started….

Learn more about how the hydrologic cycle contributes to climate problems.


Biomes Under Threat – How long before Carbon Dioxide levels exceed the Carbon Storage Capacity?

This gallery contains 9 photos.

The Carbon storage capacity of the Earth’s Atmosphere is finite.  By 2030 the amount of atmospheric carbon will reach catastrophic levels if left unchecked.  What will happen to the Earth’s Biomes?