Monthly Archives: September 2023

Triumf UBC Saturday Morning Lectures

TRIUMF UBC Hosts a Saturday Morning Fall Lecture Series for science students.  Check out the fall lectures.  The lectures are free and are open to the public.


Mist or Vapor – what’s the difference? 1 in 4 high school students use vaping products!

Vaping:  What you need to know? (link to article)

Despite the term “vaping” that’s associated with e-cigarettes, the devices produce an aerosol mist—not a vapour.

What’s the difference between a mist and a vapour?

An aerosol is the suspension of tiny solid or liquid particles in a gas. Clouds, mist, and fog are examples of aerosols.

A vapour is the gas phase of a substance that is typically solid or liquid at room temperature. Chlorine, for example, is a gas at room temperature so we refer to Cl2 as chlorine gas, not a vapour.  Water, on the other hand, is a liquid at room temperature. So, when water molecules are in the gas phase, we refer to them as water vapor

How does the mist affect the lining of the lungs?


10 Fast facts:


Q:  How to defeat a detector?

A:  Exhale into the toilet and flush this creates a vacuum that sucks the aerosol into the pipes. “There’s nothing we can do about that,” – “There’s no sensing that could ever change the laws of physics.”