Science in your neighbourhood

The Saturday Morning Lecture series for high school students is back for fall 2022

Topic:  Studying Galaxies in the Early Universe

The first lecture takes place October 15, 2022 at 10:00 am.  The talks are open to the public but you must register in order to attend.

The first lecture is about the origins of the early universe and how technology can be used to learn more about the universe:

Galaxies fill the Universe, yet we still do not fully understand how they evolved from loose collections of stars and gas 13 billion years ago into the beautiful diversity of spirals and ellipticals that we see today. In this talk, we will explore how we can now use the James Webb Space Telescope to see what galaxies looked like in the early Universe, and what we are learning about how these galaxies grew and evolved over cosmic time. 

Who should attend:

Science 10 students and anyone interested in space


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