Monthly Archives: September 2019

Learn more about Climate Change from BC Science Experts at Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions

Get ready to learn more about the Science of Climate Change – Friday, September 27, 2019, is your lab day to “Unite Behind the Science”

Lesson 3 Observable Changes 

“The Day After Tomorrow” Realistic or Unrealistic?

Let Science be your guide:

Science Expert Dr. Peter Gleick – Hydrologist & Climatologist, Pacific Institute (

The climate crisis explained in charts

Learn more about global warming by looking at the evidence from a hot planet…


Is it okay to be a copy cat? Learn more about how beloved pet are being cloned…

Cat cloning in pictures

National Science Literacy Week – get ready to get sciency (September 16-22, 2019)

Get ready to celebrate National Science Literacy Week on September 18, 2019.
On that day our science class will participate in the Science Reading Activity


Science Literacy Week runs from September 16-22, 2019.