Daily Archives: January 13, 2016

New Information about the subduction zone along the coast of BC

New Information about the tectonic plates alongside North American is providing researchers with exciting information about seismic activity in the Ring of Fire.

Episodic Tremor and Slip along subduction zones.

Michael Smith – Science 10 Contest

Michael Smith Challenge is designed to be written by students currently taking grade 10 Science or lower. Students who have started their grade 11 science courses for a month or more prior to the Challenge official writing date, or have completed any grade 11 level science course, are not eligible for the competition.

This 1-hour exam is to be written on February 23, 2016, and must take place during the following times:

9:00-10:00AM Pacific

Michael Smith Contest Date has been announced – register in your Science 10 Class – Registration Deadline is Thursday Feb. 11, 2016