Daily Archives: September 15, 2015

Local plants have unique characteristics that help animals survive.


Asters are grown commercially for use in the fall garden. The native aster is much paler and smaller in colour.

Asters bloom in the fall and provide an important source of food for bees.


As the fall progresses rose hips become a deep red colour. The rose hip will remain attached to the plant for the entire winter. Rose hips are an important food source for birds.

Rose plants mature and produce a seed pod called a rose hip. An ounce of rose hips have 200% of the daily required amount of Vitamin C and 7 grams of fibre.

All plants and animals have interesting adaptations (structural, physiological and chemical) that help them to survive.

Learn more about how bears survive the winter hibernation period without damaging their bones.black_bear_bones_copy