Monthly Archives: April 2015

Cars and trucks and things that go – how to keep track of things that go fast?

What does water mean to a culture?

The Province of BC is in the  process of enacting new legislation for the sale of BC Groundwater.  The Water Sustainability Act (WSA) goes into effect on January 1, 2016.  This means that next year large groundwater uses will be charged for the water they use.  The rate for groundwater and surface water users has been set at $2.25 for every million litres of water purchased.

Do you know what groundwater and surface water is?

Do you know how long it takes for water to go into the ground and then return from out of the ground?

Time to learn more about the water cycle and how much it is worth.

Learn More-(Link to News Article)

Learn more about the folks who keep BC water the best on the planet.

Ocean Heat accumulation is the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs exploding every second since 1990.


Worlds oceans are warming faster than anticipated – learn more.