Daily Archives: December 2, 2014

Canada’s Iconic Wild life is at Risk – Canadian Government did not protect Species at risk 87% of the time!


The Canadian Government received a failing grade on how well they are preserving endangered species.  Canada is at risk for losing the animal species that makes Canada unigue .  The Canadian Government uses a two-step process to try to protect species at risk.

In the first step, a committee made up of scientists makes a list of the species that are at risk of extinction.  The scientists on the committee also makes a set of recommendations that the Canadian Government should follow to protect the animals habitat.  Preservation of animal habitat is the top way to protect species from becoming extinct.  Animals need habitat to survive.

In step 2, the Canadian Government decides whether or not to act on the recommendations of the scientists.  A recent study shows that Canada has failed to follow the advice of the Species at Risk Act 87% of the time.

It is time to save the whales!


BC Brown Bear