Monthly Archives: October 2014

Eric Betzig (the 2014 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry) wins again!



Eric Betzig wins again.  Just a few short week after it was announced that he won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Dr. Betzig has solved the puzzle of how to see objects under the microscope using a very old idea.  Plane illumination (an idea that has been around for the past 100 years) shines the light onto the side of microscopic specimens.  By using plane illumination the image remains very clear.  Another Big Congratulations!

What is happening to your eye tracking speed when you read silently versus when reading out loud?

Did you know that your eyes move at different speeds depending on whether you are reading silently or out loud? Learn more about how your eyes move while processing text.

A simple switch to your regular hat will make your thoughts light up!

EEG Winter Toque

Learn how to use plastic – yes it can and should be recycled!

Ted Talks – Mike Biddle

Can you track what you are thinking with a simple homemade EEG?

Fun and Interesting Opportunities to Learn about Science

Tech Trek to UBC to Learn more about Science and Tech.

Learn more

Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to 3 people who helped the world see tiny things better.

Learn more about how they made their discovery

Pesticides are found to be responsible for Bee Population Decline

Learn more about how to help stop the destruction of our ecosystems:


BC Science 10 – Has a Home Version

BC Science 10 Text book Home Version

PW:  MJ41

UN: VB41