Welcome to Kindergarten Video | Aubrey Elementary School

Dear Families,

Welcome to the Division 16 blog. I will updating this page often throughout the year.  This is where I will post important school information as well as many of our exciting learning adventures.

This week is our Parents as Partners Meetings on Wednesday between 2:15 and 6:00 and Thursday between 2:15 and 4:00. This meeting is an important opportunity for me get to know you and your family. To sign up for a time please go to https://morley.burnabyschools.ca/student-led-conference-booking-sites/ and click on the link by my name.

We are also continuing to collect school supply money.  If you have not yet paid the $25 for school supplies please do so as soon as possible (either online or with cash.)

Important Dates for the next few weeks: 

Wednesday September 28th and Thursday September 29th – Parents as Partners Meetings – EARLY DISMISSAL

Friday September 30th – Truth and  Reconciliation Day – NO SCHOOL

Monday October 10th – Thanksgiving – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday October 11th – Student Picture Day

Friday October 21st- Professional Day – NO SCHOOL

We are continuing to finalize our schedule for the year. I have put our weekly schedule on the blog but it may change as we are still working on the music, library and gym times.

School begins at 8:43 am and ends at 3:00 pm every day except Wednesday (2:00 pm).  If your child is late please go to the office to sign in and then your child will be helped down to the classroom. If your child will be absent please call the school at 604-296-9024 and leave a message.

Please remember to dress your child for the weather. They will be going outside in the rain so a warm jacket and appropriate boots/shoes are essential.

If you ever have any questions you can email me at amelia.hutchinson@burnabyschools.ca or talk to me before or after school.

I am so excited to spend this year together.


Ms. Hutchinson