Ann Ford

Just another Burnaby School District Blogs Sites site

December 10, 2018
by forda

What is on Our Mind?

We wanted to see what was on the minds of 9 and 10 year olds in Division 14. Here are some of their ideas:

-How big is space?

-Are there aliens

-Are we just brains controlling human bodies?

Will there ever be a last person on earth?

-Will Donald Trump “make” WWIII?

-How are robots made?

-Did dinosaurs get extinct by only 1 meteor?

-Will we get flooded?

-How are IPhones made?

-Were unicorns ever real?

-Why aren’t there $30 bills?

-What would humans look like if they were remodelled?

-Will there be another ice age?

-Do referees get paid to get favoured by a team?

-How big are fully inflated horse lungs?

-Who invented the DAB?

-Will there be another war?





November 16, 2018
by forda

Remembrance Day


Students listened to a story,”The Eleventh Hour,” by Jacques Goldstyn. It is a story about two Canadian friends who volunteer to go to war against Germany in 1914. It is a story about life, death and especially the horrors and futility of war. Students then wrote messages on the peace dove on how they can contribute to making  and keeping peace in our classroom and school community.