Ann Ford

Just another Burnaby School District Blogs Sites site

October 27, 2020
by forda

October Updates

Hello Parents/Guardians:

As we wind down the month of October, here are a few things to be aware of:

  • Our Marlborough Pumpkin Patch is on October 28th. Please send in a cloth bag. Students should be dressed for the weather.
  • All projects assigned thus far are now due: Legends story writing, Treasure Maps, Food Cart Challenge, Owl Projects, Blog postings (2 in total). Your child has been working hard at school so please help them finish these at home.
  • On Friday, October 30th, please send in extra food /snacks/ drinks/water as we will be watching a movie in the afternoon.
  • Have a safe Halloween.


June 17, 2020
by forda

End of School Information

Hello parents: Please bring everything on the Tuesday, June 23rd only. I will give you your child’s supplies/report cards. Bring any text books/Library books then so you don’t have to do 2 trips to school. From 9:30-10:15 only. If you or your child does not pick it up then, you will get everything in September. Also, a reminder that if you have any laptops/IPADS that belong to the district, please return that as well. I will have a bin with all your child’s supplies and also their report cards. Mr. Irwin will have a bin for library books. Thank you!

April 13, 2020
by forda

April 14-17

Please copy and paste this slink into the search bar to open the link for this week.







April 13, 2020
by forda

We’re Ready to Roll!

Hello Parents/Guardians/Students,

We’re ready to roll with our first weeks work, projects. You should see several tabs on our Office 365 Teams. Once you click on April 14-17 tab, you will see all the work assigned for the week. You will also see the SDLP link or the Inquiry Projects (same work). This is the project that you can work on until end of April. We will start presenting the first week of May. You can sign up on the calendar (side bar), the day you’d like to present. Please keep all presentations between 1-2pm- up to 5 students per day.

Class Blog: For those of you who do not have an account set up yet due to password glitches, please get your assignments from this blog for now. All the work posted in Office 365 Teams is also posted on the blog.

Please do your best to keep up with the work assigned. I will post the weeks timetable on the Monday of the week. Please make sure you get out, enjoy the fresh air, excercise. There are suggestions for P.E. but if you and your family are going out consisttently for walks, hikes, explorations, count that as your exercise. I will post a challenge  next week which hopefully you can share and try.

I will post the order of sharing at our class meeting tomorrow. Students who are not able to access Office 365 yet will hopefully join us next week. I am currently working with IT to resolve those issues.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

April 6, 2020
by forda
1 Comment


Hello everyone!

I am sending you all a few links to get going. I would also like to invite you to log into your office 365 platform. Hopefully we can have a virtual classroom meeting on Friday.  The links below are suggestions for you and your family to access different learning sites in the meantime. Many of you have already accessed sites laid out by the district:


To log into the office 365 platform, students will need their pupil numbers. Please have your child log in anytime between now and Wednesday. I will be monitoring this site so please talk to your child about following digital citizenship protocols which we covered in our library sessions with Mr. Irwin. If for some reason you can’t remember your student numbers, let me know and I can get it to you.

To log in: (

Students, once you’ve set up your accounts, please share what you know about online behaviour as these will guide us to learn/share together on a virtual platform.

Peace in learning.

April 1, 2020
by forda

Reaching Out!

Hello Parent/Guardians:

As you know, I will be calling or emailing you on Thursday and Friday. A few parents have reached out to me about what time/day works best for them. If you prefer to do the same, please email me through my school contact at, and I shall try you then. Thanks, A. Ford

To All the Students in Division 14

March 31, 2020 by forda | 0 comments

Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well? On Thursday and Friday, I will be calling your parents and guardians to discuss plans and ask questions about how we can best establish ways to guide your learning. I would love to talk to you (my students) as well. I am looking forward to supporting you as best as I can under the circumstances. 

What can you do in the meantime?

In the meantime, please complete a posting on your blog, sharing your experiences from the last 2 weeks. I realise that things are a lot different due to the circumstances but please think of ways you and your families have been creative over the past 2 weeks. 

Please proofread your writing, make sure all the writing conventions are in place. 

Please post your reflections by April 8th (Wednesday). 100 words (or more).

Thank you division 14! Looking forward to chatting with you all. 

March 11, 2020
by forda
1 Comment

Report Cards

Hello Parents/Guardians,

 On March 12th, students from Division 14 wil be coming home with their report cards. Please take some time to go over the report, especially commending on work well done. Your child has made some goals a priority for the third term. Please read their reflections about Term 2 on their blogs as the students have done well in outlining what and how they will achieve these goals. 

If need be, make arrangements via email or student planner to meet me early in third term. I will be reaching out to you if there needs to be further discussions about how we can help your child succeed. As you may or may not be aware, reporting in term 3 will be reflected with grades.

Hope you all have an amazing, relaxing, healthy Spring Break. Take care, Ann Ford.