Ann Ford

Just another Burnaby School District Blogs Sites site

What is on Our Mind?


We wanted to see what was on the minds of 9 and 10 year olds in Division 14. Here are some of their ideas:

-How big is space?

-Are there aliens

-Are we just brains controlling human bodies?

Will there ever be a last person on earth?

-Will Donald Trump “make” WWIII?

-How are robots made?

-Did dinosaurs get extinct by only 1 meteor?

-Will we get flooded?

-How are IPhones made?

-Were unicorns ever real?

-Why aren’t there $30 bills?

-What would humans look like if they were remodelled?

-Will there be another ice age?

-Do referees get paid to get favoured by a team?

-How big are fully inflated horse lungs?

-Who invented the DAB?

-Will there be another war?





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