Activities of 2023 – Mrs. Ezra's Classroom

Activities of 2023

| Posted in Classroom

We made iced castles by mixing water with food colouring and then freezing.

We made fire works.

We tried to paint Chinese figures using black paint and black ink.

We did a lion dance.

We also did drumming.

By reusing old shoe boxes, we made our valentine boxes.

Children composed positive comments about each of their classmates.

We looked at a video about Piet Mondrian and then over two days painted in his style.  the plates were part of our celebration of Black History month.  Mrs. Ezra brought her Nelson Mandela plate to show designs.  using acrylic paint we made plates for our families for Family Day.

For the 100th day at school, we made our hats using Nour own ideas and then counted a variety of things using 100 items.

We used a sting of 100cm long to measure items.


Using this book as a provocation, we made our own constructions reusing boxes.  Th children’s ideas were so creative!


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