Recent Activities – Mrs. Ezra's Classroom

Recent Activities

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We read a true story about the artist Van Gogh.  The idea of the story was to be true to oneself.


We have done many activities with our Buddies.  Making drawings on the computer, computer games, Jenga, and here doing puzzles, have been some of the activities we have done

For Remembrance Day, each child was asked what does ‘peace’ mean to them. The poppies are in the style of Georgia O’Keefe.

We also discussed Diwali.  A festival of light and peace.

We read and discussed two books about trees.  Then children then chose material to put on their own cutout tree.  On the paper the children copied words to express ideas about fall.

Using yogurt lids, we made a tree.  Beneath the tree was a saying, “Nothing to give, nothing to buy, except love, friendship and peace.”

Using kava blocks, two children made a person.

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