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Hello Families of Division 10,

It has been a wonderful experience being part of your child’s learning so far this school year. To highlight their learning, collaboration and experiences from September until now, I have been posting photos on Freshgrade for you to view with your child. The postings I share are to supplement your child’s “Snapshot of Learning” that will be handed out Friday December 4th. When reviewing Freshgrade ask your child about their experiences, what they notice in the photos, an experience or activity they really enjoyed and an experience that challenged them or encouraged them to take risks. This is a great opportunity to share your child’s online portfolio and reflect on learning, growth and new experiences together.

Ms. Diep

Hello Families of Division 10,

Here are some things to take note of:

Photo Retakes:

Photo retakes will be taking place on Tuesday November 17th. If your child is getting retakes please let me know, so when our class is called down I know who to send to get their photos taken.

Library days are every other Monday:

Nov 23 & Dec 7

Pro-D Day:

There is no school for students on Friday November 27th.

Learning at home:

Please read every night as a family either with books or on Razkids. I would also encourage families to review the Words Their Way or the weekly spelling list in the planner. Thank you for supporting your child on this learning journey.

Ms. Diep

Hello Families of Division 10,


I will be absent tomorrow (Oct 21) as I am attending a training workshop, however I will  be back on Thursday. See you all then!

Picture Day

Picture Day is tomorrow. We will be getting our individual photos taken in the morning (YES, they will be taken before we head outdoors for Outdoor Classroom! YAY)!


Students had their first library session with our school librarian, Ms. Ho, on Monday. Library will be every second Monday, however next week is an exception and we will be having library again on Monday October 26th then the next library session will be on Monday November 9th. A reminder will be in the planner the day before Library each second week. The books taken home today can come back earlier if students are finished reading them.

Halloween Notice

The school’s Halloween notice is in your child’s planner pocket. We will be doing simple Halloween activities throughout the day on Oct 30 to celebrate (short film, centres and themed games) however, we will not be having any shared treats during this time. An individual treat for your own child is more than okay to bring on this spooky fun day.

Thank you,

Ms. Diep

Hello Families of Division 10,

Our online reading program Raz-Kids is now set up!

Your child’s username and password will be in their planner in the notice pocket and tapped to the inside of the planner where their name is written, please leave the tapped slip of paper there for future reference if needed.

The website to sign onto is

I am very excited to begin this program and I look forward to seeing your children develop their literacy skills.

Planner information:

Please ensure you are reading your child's planner and initialing it everyday. Students will be writing reminders in there as well as information about things we are learning in class. This is a great starting point for a conversation about what is happening in the classroom. There may also be times when I write a note in the students planner or there may be notices or things to practice at home that are placed in the planner pocket in front. Please empty out the planner pocket and have your child bring their planner to school everyday. You can also use the space underneath as a communication tool with me as I check each child’s planner each day.

Each week students will write 5 or 6 words in their planners (located under the weekly list). Please have your child practice writing sentences and reading them. This is important to help develop their vocabulary as they are common words they will see in reading. You can play games with the words, for example using cue cards or whiteboards to help make this fun and engaging.

Thank you for everything you all do as part of our learning community!

Thank you,

Ms. Diep

Hello Families of Division 10,

Here are some reminders:

  • Please remember there is no school on Monday. Have a great long weekend!
  • Please pay for planners online and return the confirmation slip as soon as possible
  • Words their Way have been sent home along with a notice explaining how to use it. Students DO NOT have to bring them back to school, they are for your family to use and practice with. Students will be getting new sorts each week.
  • Words of the Week has also been started. Each week students will write 5 or 6 words in their planners. Please have your child practice writing sentences and reading them. This is important to help develop their vocabulary.

Thank you,

Ms. Diep


Hello Families of Division 10,

Here are some important dates coming soon:

  • October 12 is Thanksgiving and schools will be closed
  • October 21 is individual photos for students
  • October 23 is a Pro D Day (no school for students)

Our class will be going outdoors every day for recess and lunch. We will be having outdoor classroom on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please come prepared everyday for the weather.

We are still missing a few photos for our family tree, please have your child bring one to share with the class.

Thank you!

Hello Families of Division 10,

Here is some important information regarding the rest of the week.

Orange Shirt Day (Wed. Sept 30)

Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. We are encouraging all students and staff to wear orange to show that all children matter.  Please come to school wearing an orange shirt or any other article of orange clothing you may have at home. If you do not have anything orange that is okay, we can make something together in our classroom. We have already started talking about what Orange Shirt Day is and we will continue the conversation tomorrow.

Terry Fox Run

Friday is our Terry Fox Run. We will be running with our learning group in the morning. Photos of the event will be posted on Freshgrade. If you would like to contribute to our fundraising efforts, you may do so through the following link:


Our Librarian, Ms. Ho, has brought bins into our classroom with books for students to borrow. Every week she will swap the books so students have a variety to choose from. Each student has taken one or two books home. When they are finished reading the books please bring them back to our classroom.

Thank you,

Ms. Diep

Hi Division 10 Families,

On Friday Sept 25th I sent out invitation links for Freshgrade, please make sure to check your email for that, so you may see what your child and their friends are doing in class. Please feel free to comment on the activities that you see or have a conversation with your child about it so they can share their experience with you.

Thank you to those who have already chosen a time on Wednesday Sept. 30 and Thursday Oct. 1 for our Parents as Partners Conversations. If you have not signed up for a time there are times still available for you to select.

On both those days students will be dismissed at 2pm.

The meetings will be 10 minutes long and will give us time to talk about your child as well as time to get to know each other.

Please come prepared to answer the following questions about your child as we only have a quick 10 minutes together:

  • Interests/ hobbies
  • Strengths
  • Stretches (things you hope your child will develop/ learn)
  • Goals for the school year (academic goal)
  • One wish for your child (does not have to be academic)

Please have a listen to the story below. After listening to the story please come to the meeting with one wish you have for your child this year. The wish can be academic, social or anything you hope for them this school year.

After reading this story my wish for your children is that they enjoy coming to school each day and that they will learn many valuable things this year. Your children have also selected a wish they have for this school year that I will share with you during our meeting.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you over Teams,

Ms. Diep


Hello Families of Division 10,

Here are some friendly reminders:

  • Student information packages are to be returned Thursday Sept 24, 2020 
  • Please have your child bring a family photo to school to leave on our family wall as soon as possible
  • Friday Sept 25, 2020 is a Pro D Day, students do not come to school
  • I will be setting up Freshgrade within the next week, please be on the lookout for an email invitation to join
  • Sept 30, 2020 is orange shirt day, please have your child wear orange clothes if they have it
  • Parent conversations are Sept 30 & Oct 1, more information will be coming soon. School dismissal is 2pm on Sept 30 and Oct 1. 
  • Oct 2, 2020 is our school's Terry Fox run please ensure your child is wearing running shoes. We will be running with our learning groups for 30 mins
  • Students can fundraise for Terry Fox from now until Oct 7, 2020. The fundraising link is on the Suncrest Homepage or linked below

Thank you,

Ms. Diep