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Hello Families of Division 10,

With the school year coming close to its end, our class will be having one final class meeting on Zoom this Friday June 19th at 10am. We will be using the link sent in the email last week. I hope to see most of you there!

As mentioned in the email, Division 10's belonging pick up date will be Tuesday June 23rd from 3pm - 4pm (students in class that day will get to bring their belongings home with them) and Wednesday June 24th from 8:30am - 3:30pm.

If you cannot attend either of those dates, please email me and we can try to arrange a different time. However, if we can't find a mutual time then you will have to wait until September to get your child's belongings. Belongings that will be returned include personal items such as notebooks, duo tangs, report cards, certificates, etc.)
On the day of the pick up please knock on the outside classroom door and wait for me to hand you the belongings. If you are returning library books they must be returned to the library cart placed at the front doors of the school. If you have any questions or concerns please email me.
A reminder that Father's Day is Sunday June 21, 2020. I have attached some optional activities to surprise any special male figures in your life with.