It’s the Final Countdown!

Hello Everyone!

Here are some things we are finishing up this week and next:

  • Independent Project Notes and Bibliography, due today June 7th
  • Applied Design Nature Scale Model, ongoing with hope to finish by June 12th
  • Presentation Materials for Independent Project, due June 13th
  • French Weather Vocabulary and Song, ongoing through next two weeks
  • E-Port entries on math, language arts (Skeleton Tree book), and end of our nature connection unit
  • Finish Connections Slideshow presentations by Monday, June 10th end of day
  • Continued discussions around social responsibility, geometry as time allows during project time
  • Battle of the Books Project Reading, with Battle on June 21st

For Independent Project, here are some things to think about for the presentation on June 13th 12-2:30 PM. We have already talked about these in class:

  • You need something visible to show. Doesn’t need to be a trifold or poster, but you need something people can look at. Many of you are doing slideshows, models, trifolds, and posters. 
  • Boxes, poster board, bristol board, coloured paper, white standard paper in multiple sizes, modelling clay, and building supplies are available in the classroom to use. Just ask! Lots of options!
  • Print a copy of your bibliography to show at your presentation spot in the classroom.
  • Think about your “talking points.” Good idea to have 5 key things you would really like to communicate. Also, be able to answer, “Why did you choose this topic?” 
  • Make sure Ms. D has any zines or handouts by the morning of June 12th for photocopying.
  • Gather together any materials you will need for interactive displays. If you are going to have food, how will it get to school? How will you serve it? Do you have toothpicks, napkins, and serving utensils? How will it keep cold? If you have something messy, how will you keep your space clean?
  • If you have large items coming for your presentation, please don’t bring until after Monday, June 10th.

After Independent Project, what’s going on????

  • Student Reflections and Parent Questionnaires Due June 14th in the morning at the latest.
  • Sports Day on Friday, June 14th! Early Dismissal at 1:00 PM
  • Nature Art — Details to be announced as we have to see if we have enough time
  • Nature Park Visiting Challenge Winner Announced June 17th Monday
  • Parent Volunteer Tea on June 20th, Thursday 2-3:30 PM. Division 5 will be helping to serve at this event from 2-3 PM and needs to wear white shirts and black pants.
  • Battle of the Books Battle on June 21st!
  • Reading Around the World completion deadline for free lunch June 21st!
  • Ocean Acidification Lab, One-Cut Geometry Activities, French Singing 
  • Year-End Recognition Assembly, Monday June 24th 9:00 AM. Many students from our class are being recognized. You are welcome to attend.
  • Year-End Party TBD, likely outdoor picnic!
  • Last day June 27th 9-10 AM only. Report Cards distributed.

If anything changes, I will let you know! Stay tuned for the next post, which will be an overview of our learning from term three. Make sure to check e-portfolios for reflections and pictures of our work, as well as Ms. D’s Twitter feed, which can now be seen on the home page of this blog.

Almost done with the year!!!!

May 27th — Math Review and Fibonacci!

Hello Everyone!

So, during our unit “The Nature Connection”, we have had an opportunity to work on a wide variety of math skills from the content and curricular competencies of the math curriculum.

We have done math using the following resources:

  • Journey Through the Animal Kingdom: Math in the Real World
  • Journey Through Planet Earth: Math in the Real World
  • This is Not a Math Book (Math Art)
  • Math Connections to the Real World Grades 5-8 (Review of Decimals/Fractions)
  • The Original Area Mazes Volume 2
  • Fibonacci Videos (see below)
  • And challenge math from Geometry Books grades 7-10 level for those who wanted it

We have addressed the following parts of the math curriculum (I can’t list them all, but here are the top ones!) Students worked on all of these at their own levels of understanding, depending on grade level and experience. We also added depth and complexity as needed.

  • Big Idea: Closed shapes have area and perimeter that can be described, measured, and compared.
  • Using reasoning to explore and make connections
  • Estimating reasonably 
  • Model mathematics in contextualized experiences
  • Visualize and explore math concepts
  • Use math vocabulary and language to contribute to math discussions
  • Explain and justify math ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms
  • Reflect on math thinking
  • Number concepts to 1,000,000
  • Decimals to hundredths or thousandths
  • Area measurement of squares and rectangles, as well as some abnormal combined “L” shapes
  • Relationships between area and perimeter
  • Duration, using measurement of time, 24 hour clocks, & reading time zones
  • Classification of prisms and pyramids
  • Single transformations
  • Tallying and graphing, Diagrams and charts, coordinates/quadrants
  • Financial literacy
  • Volume
  • Roman Numerals
  • Division using remainders and decimals, depending on ability
  • Reading temperature with positive and negative integers
  • One step equations with variables and understanding algebraic expressions

Everyone has turned in their work for Animal and Planet Earth Math, and they received a check plus, check, or check minus. A few people did not have their work and need to check in with me as soon as possible. 

We watched an excellent series of videos on Fibonacci and Math in Nature. Here are the three videos to watch again at home. Yes, the person who did the videos speaks very, very fast! We stopped and started the videos many times while watching. Have you used your angle-a-tron at home? We used them outside, and it was amazing to see that they worked! 137.5 degrees and 90 degrees everywhere!

Fibonacci Doodling in Math Class # 1

Fibonacci Doodling in Math Class # 2

Fibonacci Doodling in Math Class # 3

Also check out these websites from Math is Fun talking about:

Fibonacci Sequence

Nature: The Golden Ratio

Golden Ratio (more advanced)

Solid Geometry

Feel free to browse the other topics on Math is Fun for further information. I have also put some practice websites for math topics at the Articles of Interest Page.

As we do the math for our applied design project making a scale model, here are some websites to look at:

Pictures of objects “to scale”

Teach Engineering Scale Model Fun

At a base level, making a scale model is about visual-spatial reasoning and understanding. Yes, we do measurement, we use a scale, we talk about ratios, etc., but we are also trying to understand a visual and spatial relationship between two objects or two spaces.

For example, today to better understand our natural space, we went for a walk around the actual, larger space outside. Walking it helps our brain understand how big it is, beyond the actual measurements of 81 feet by 23 feet. Then, we took the box we are using for the scale model and placed it on the ground, inside the larger space, so we could see just how much smaller our model is than the actual area beside the portable. Reactions included, “Whoa!” It takes seeing things from a different perspective to truly understand scale. Great work everyone on your math scale objects today in class! See Twitter for pictures.

By the way, making a scale model is tough! So, at the base level, can you understand how to enlarge or reduce a 2D square or rectangle on grid paper? Can you understand a 1:4 relationship or ratio or fraction as we described in class? Good job! You are on the right track for your grade-level curriculum!

Ms. D

May 13th Update — Projects and Deadlines

Hello Everyone!

We are in the home stretch before the end of the year!!! I can’t believe it…. We are gradually finishing up our unit, and we have several projects we are working on now as we reach the end.

Animal Research and Art Project: I provided students with a rubric for this. Today I started checking in on their notes, sent to me in Google Docs or done in their journals. Many students need to add depth and detail to their research AND to ask more questions. So, tonight, I told everyone to add 5 new questions about their animal to their research notes. In class, students have begun making the art pictures using Sue Coccia’s art as a guide. They will draw the images, fine line them, and then colour everything in with watercolour pencils or pencil crayons. The final version of the research, a bibliography, and the animal drawing are due end of day Thursday, May 16th. Colouring can continue beyond that time as it may take extra days to finish.

Poetry Out Loud!: Everyone was asked to find a poem of 8-16 lines or two main stanzas to present out loud in front of the class. We are practicing using enunciation, emphasis, tone, inflection, volume, gestures, eye contact, expression, etc. The presentation does not have to be memorized, just well practiced. 

Connections Project: For the end of our unit, we are looking more seriously at human impact on the environment, climate change, ocean acidification, and ways humans can improve their behaviours to be better connected with nature. Each student will choose one way humans are CONNECTED to the interdependent system of nature, whether it is a positive or negative example. For example, they could look at alternative energies, pollution, improving mental health by being outdoors, or how climate change is affecting us. There are many books in the classroom right now to help everyone find a topic, do basic inquiry, and make a short, 10 slide PowerPoint. Details to follow in a different post with criteria. Due date will be May 31st, but if it is finished before then, great!

Independent Research Project: Books from the District libraries will be returned by Thursday,  May 16th end of day. Please use and document them in your notes before then. At some point this week, please let me know what you are doing for primary research, as this will help me plan ahead and/or point you in the right direction. All research, notes, and bibliography are due by June 7th. The presentation is due June 13th. We will be talking in class about ways you can present!

E-Port Reflections: We have done 6 so far, and there will be a few more in class to come. Please make sure you have published all of your reflections so I can look at them. I was following up with people today if they hadn’t finished and reminding everyone of the topics for each entry.

Applied Design and Math Nature Space: Please see separate post about this project we have already started. Everyone has a partner and will be creating a scale model. I think this will be a fun making project for everyone! While the general plan and most of the project will be done by June 17th end of day for assessment, it is okay to be working on final touches up until the last week of school.

Nature Canvas Art: We are going to see if we can also do one last art project around nature for the year, so we will see if we have time during the last 2 weeks of school. We will also be writing some poetry to go with the art!

Skeleton Tree and Battle of the Books: We are working on finishing this novel, then we will turn in our ReadMinders, and write a final book response related to survival in nature. Then, to practice QAR questions and to develop reading comprehension skills, I am having a mini Battle of the Books. More on this in a separate post!

Animal Math, Planet Earth Math, Angles Handouts, Fibonacci: Done this week by end of day Thursday. I am in the process of checking in with everyone on Animal Math and doing one-on-one math lessons as needed on basic division, adding and subtracting of decimals, and mainly, geometry concepts such as types of angles. As we finish the year, we will do the Abel/Gauss tests on May 15th and more class work on Fibonacci, angles, and a fun activity using pythagorean theorem to find the height of a tree.

Dragon Boating: Our main PE/Gym has been through walking and getting outside. On May 22, 29, and June 5 we will work hard as a team dragon boating! Thank you to our parent volunteers.

French: We are going to learn basic weather expressions and learn to sing them in French! Tomorrow bring your vocals! 🙂

Have a great evening!

Ms. D

Unit Update May 6th!

Hello Everyone!

Here is an update on what is going on in class with our unit THE NATURE CONNECTION! Please also see my Twitter feed for daily updates, as well as everyone’s e-port entries (there are four so far to look at).


After our visit to the UBC Biodiversity Museum, we followed up with conversation about biodiversity, the natural resources found in Canada, and the great variety of organisms that can be found in our backyards here in British Columbia. To further support our inquiry and questions about the amazing ecosystems of our province, each student began doing an art/research project on an animal from B.C. I encouraged everyone to choose rare animals from not often discussed parts of our taxonomy chart, just to make it interesting for all of us!

We read the book Weird Friends to discuss relationships between organisms, as an example of the interconnection we can find in nature. We talked about symbiotic relationships, mutualism, parasitism, and commensualism. Students were given a challenge handout with descriptions of animal relationships and then had to guess which type of connection the organisms have. We are going over these tomorrow and I will ask everyone to turn it in. And this is great prep for our walk through the forest at the watershed, as there are loads of lichens and fungi living in partnership with the forest.

We analyzed “What is science?” together and compared/contrasted indigenous traditional knowledge with western science. We talked about the meaning of worldview and how one’s worldview can shape how one sees the world. We have watched several great videos to understand indigenous cultures of Canada, as well as how people are working together, combining traditional indigenous knowledge and principles of learning with the methods, questions, and data collecting of western science, to protect our environment. We learned about clam gardens, why beavers are important to estuaries, and how indigenous scientists are working collaboratively to protect the Great Bear Rainforest. We are also reading My Elders Tell Me to better understand how important survival and ecological knowledge is passed down between elders and youth in aboriginal cultures. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful discussions as we open our idea of what science truly is!

Ms. D has asked some questions from our unit on the e-portfolios, and there have also been some assignments such as 2 informational zines, the handout on Bio Blitz and taxonomy, the handout on abiotic/biotic life, the biodiversity of BC handouts, and the Mensa taxonomy handout. Along with your contributions to discussions, your journal, and your animal project, these things allow me to see how you are understanding key concepts.

Language Arts:

We are continuing to read The Skeleton Tree and I am looking at your Readminder bookmarks as you read to see how you are writing down questions, key ideas, new vocabulary, and other interesting facts. Earlier this month I introduced the idea of asking deeper questions as you read using QAR Questioning Technique. This involves asking 4 types of questions:

  1. Ones that are right there in the text, where the answer is stated in the text.
  2. Ones that are think and search, where the answer is stated in the text but you have to combine pieces of information to fully answer the question.
  3. Ones that involve author and me, where the author gives clues that are combined with what you know to figure out the answer, and 
  4. On my own questions, where knowledge of the text is needed but the answer comes from your own head and thoughts!

We are also working away on poetry. Students already found examples of alliteration, assonance, consonance, repetition, metaphor, simile, limerick, quatrain, onomatopoeia, personification, and rhyme, and recorded these in their journals after viewing a huge selection of poetry books from our District library. Through the book Rip the Page we used a crossing of our five senses to create amazing phrases about nature and combine them into a group poem. I published it on Twitter, but look for a full version on a blog post soon. Great work, everyone! I was so impressed with our poetry!

Finally, we are working on our speaking skills through poetry recitation. How can we make our speech more interesting and engaging through the use of the speaking toolbox? Our toolbox includes emphasis, pace, tone, inflection, eye contact, facial expressions, volume, pauses, repetition, and gestures. Pick a poem to present! Next week we will present them in class. No need to memorize. Poem only needs to be between 8-16 lines.

Our end goal for the poetry unit is to create a nature art piece related to nature poetry. I look forward to your creativity!


We collected pine cones on our walks and watched a great video about all the Fibonacci spirals you can find in pine cones, veggies, and flowers. This is a series of three videos exploring math in nature, and I look forward to doing more as the month progresses.

Students are also doing nature related math around geometry and other curriculum areas of mathematics through Animal Math and Planet Earth Math, as well as several other book resources such as This Is Not A Math Book. As everyone is in a different place with regards to math understandings, I am asking students to check in with me individually as I teach mini lessons to them as needed. Key to our understandings this unit: area, perimeter, types of shapes, types of angles, how to measure an angle, venn diagrams, and measurement. We are also practicing roman numerals, charts and graphs, division, decimals, fractions, and other areas directly from the curriculum. I can see more practice is needed in terms of division, so we will see more of that in activities to come!


What would your own natural space look like if you could design one? Using the space to the side of the portable, what kind of natural space could you design? Students began brainstorming ideas about how we could incorporate calming, natural elements that are great for our mental health into the open space outside of the portable. We will be making 3D models of this space and will apply math such as area, perimeter, and measurement to our creation of a scale model. 


Students have answered some questions on their e-port about questions they have and what they have found out so far. We have a large variety of books available for research. Thirty minutes of research a night is the guideline! This week we need to decide what kind of primary research we will do, as well as how we will present our project. A reminder that we are one month away from presentation!

Okay, enough for tonight! More updates to come. Thank you for visiting the blog!

Ms. D

NATURE CHALLENGE for April and May!

Want to win a game to play with your friends? Please join in our nature challenge!

During the months of April and May, please visit the many parks and natural spaces found in our local area. If you need maps of where these are, you can find them online or in our classroom!

Take pictures of yourself in the natural environment. Make a Google Slideshow of your pictures. The person with the most locations by the end of May wins!

Here are the rules:

  • Pictures must be from this year.
  • Pictures need to include some identifying feature or sign behind you. You or some other item such as your hand or a personal sign need to be in the picture as proof you were there.
  • One picture per location.
  • Local parks, other school playgrounds, green belts, beaches, pond areas, pathways, hike trails, lakes, rivers, soccer fields, or any place you can play outside, etc. all count!
  • Extra 5 points for the bonus locations as described in class. As I discuss them, I will add them to this post.

Main prize to be awarded to only one person. However, smaller prizes for everyone who participates and provides me with a slideshow. I hope you all spend a lot of time outdoors over the next three months!

Ms. D


New Unit: The Nature Connection!

Hello Everyone!

We have had a great first week back after break, and we are already doing our walking curriculum challenges, discussing biodiversity, getting outdoors, and talking about the concept of connection in nature. We have jumped right in to some great critical thinking about the natural world around us!

Unit Four Focus Statement:

Human beings impact and rely upon the balance of nature’s interdependent systems.


Connection (main focus), as well as Systems and Patterns.

An inquiry into:

  • Our relationship with nature (mental health, survival, needs, recreation)
  • Biomes, biodiversity, and interdependence within ecosystems
  • How human interaction with the environment can affect the balance of systems
  • Earth’s water supply
  • How the moon, sun, weather, and tides affect our lives
  • The role of questioning, exploration, close observation, and documentation in science
  • The definition of science and the role of indigenous knowledge.
  • How we express our connection to nature through poetry and art
  • Geometry and patterns in nature
  • French conversation continued and weather expressions

Activities and learning to look forward to:

  • Field trips to the UBC Biodiversity Museum, the Pacific Museum of Earth at UBC, and our Lower Seymour Watershed
  • Daily participation in The Walking Curriculum for April/May, honing our critical thinking, observation, documentation, and questioning skills.
  • Daily participation in The Walk 30 Burnaby/New West Walking Challenge starting April 8th, with emphasis on how walking is good for physical and mental health.
  • Dragon Boating May 22, 29, and June 5 at Burnaby Lake
  • Discussions around area, perimeter, volume, geometric shapes and patterns found in nature, Fibonacci, and other areas of math curriculum such as division and measurement
  • Research on a specific endangered animal in our environment, understanding its classification, why it is endangered, and producing an art project to display information found.
  • Walking to Everett Crowley Park to look at native BC plants used by indigenous peoples for healing and food, along with producing drawings, research, and a canvas picture with acrylics of one specific BC native plant.
  • Discussions about the water cycle, water health, the harm plastics are doing to our waters, ocean acidification, using a variety of games, an ocean pH lab, and interactive challenges. 
  • Class reading and analysis of the book The Skeleton Tree, a story of survival, as well as discussion on survival techniques in nature, such as how to use a compass, how to find edible food, etc.
  • Close observation of fossils and beginning discussion around evolution. We will be looking at fossils at the UBC Pacific Museum of Earth.

And much more! Please continue to watch the blog and Twitter for more information on what our class is doing. We will begin e-port entries next week!

Ms. D

Overview Term Two: Great Work Division 5!

Hello Everyone!

As we participate in learning conferences this week, here’s a quick review of the many things we have done during term two!

To tie the many big ideas from our curriculum together into a larger, enduring understanding, we studied subject areas through the lens of universal, conceptual themes.

In late December, we focused on the concepts PERSPECTIVE and PROBLEM SOLVING in our unit SOLVING THE CONUNDRUM. 

Our unit focus statement was: Problem solving involves careful observation, critical thinking, and consideration of multiple perspectives.

What are the skills you need to solve a problem?

We began our unit with cooperative games and challenges, both in the classroom and during gym, to explore the variety of curricular and core competencies required to solve a problem. Our main focus was on critical thinking, but we also used communication, creative-thinking, and personal-awareness skills. 

One of our favourites was playing the game Forbidden Island, which is unique because everyone has to work as a team, rather than against one another, to get the treasures and escape from the island before it sinks into the water! Everyone did a great job playing together, using communication and critical-thinking skills!


We were also challenged to “code” a partner during basketball practice in gym! The partner pretended to be a robot that needed explicit instructions for every step needed to make a successful basket. It was hard to make your robot cooperate!

Other problem-solving activities included: Guess That Word!, Blanket Flip Challenge, Communicate Your Shape, Ball Keep Away, Ozobot Path Challenge, and more.

After finishing challenges, we reflected as a group on the skills needed to be successful, such as active listening with partners, careful consideration of instructions and perspectives, self-regulation, and the ability to stay calm when you don’t know the answer right away or something unexpected happens. We also reported on the types of skills we were using in our e-portfolios.


What skills do you need to solve a crime?
Math and Science in Problem Solving!

Oh no! A crime happened in Division 5! Ms. D’s precious rocks were stolen! Well, not really, but we set up a pretty fantastic practice crime scene, practicing our observation, communication, thinking, and technology skills to carefully document a crime scene!

We also had to use our math skills, because accurate measurement is required to document where items are located within a crime scene space.

So, we gathered evidence, took notes, and carefully measured each of the marked evidence locations from two reference points in the room. Then we did a myriad of other lab experiments to practice being forensics investigators just like on CSI. We even had the B.C. Coroner’s Office Team come and visit to tell us about their work! We completed hands-on labs about fingerprints, dental impressions, measuring bones to determine someone’s height, analyzing bullet holes in windows, and watching for physical and chemical properties to identify substances and fabrics left at the scene.


We practiced our CSI Math skills in You Do the Math Solve a Crime, using math knowledge about coordinates, graphing, area, adding and subtracting decimals, fractions, word problems, and more to do some of the same math a CSI agent would do!

CSI is all about solving problems, and we discussed strategies used to solve word problems. Using Word Problems in Literature by Denise Gaskins, we applied Singapore visual diagram strategies to break down information visually, so it could be more easily understood. We enjoyed solving problems from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings! We also worked collaboratively on math challenges to get out alive in Perilous Math Problems! Great work, Division 5, we escaped! Whew!

Writing a Mystery!

We put our CSI knowledge to work and wrote fantastic mystery stories! First, we analyzed mystery stories we already knew and watched Scooby Doo to identify the parts of a typical mystery such as the suspects, the victim, the clues, the red herring, the alibi, and more. We also learned how to use proper punctuation in dialogue, because no story is complete without some interesting characters and conversations. Everyone did a great job producing creative stories, and we edited them carefully after receiving teacher feedback. Next step is to share them with one another!

Applied Design, Art, and Maker Problem Solving!

Leading up to the holiday, we put our problem-solving skills to the test, finding ways to make creative, unique ornaments and holiday gifts through a variety of mixed media and new materials. Everyone learned how to do wool felting, creating amazing pictures to share with our community. Thank you Division 5 for also taking the time to share your skills by teaching our younger buddies how to make ornaments, as well.

We continued to focus on the elements and principles of art, and one of our problem-solving challenges involved making a picture, thinking about how line, shape, and colour communicate specific messages or a story. We looked at the book Picture This! for inspiration. Thank you everyone for your creative work!


Small problem or big problem?
Social-Emotional Learning & Social Studies

We explored the difference between small problems and big problems in our everyday lives. We discussed how to identify a problem and strategies for solving minor conflicts amongst peers. I appreciated how students contributed to our lesson on “Words that Hurt” as we categorized language we had heard on the playground or in our community as either playful talk between friends or very hurtful words.

We made a commitment to become more aware of how words can hurt, even if the person who said them didn’t mean to hurt anyone. This was part of learning perspective.

This led to a larger exploration of the history of discrimination in Canada. Students participated in discussions about human rights and ethics. They investigated the history of residential schools, Japanese internment in World War 2, the Komagata Maru incident, and the Chinese head tax. Thank you everyone for the research and paragraphs you wrote on your e-portfolios. 

To help us understand reconciliation, we visited the “City Beyond the City” exhibit at the Museum of Vancouver, which explains the history of the Musqueam and their village on what is now the Fraser River in South Vancouver. We learned their history, and we practiced being museum curators, categorizing and displaying important belongings to tell the story of the Musqueam. 

We also enjoyed being outside, completing a scavenger hunt to learn more about Vancouver’s history through sculptures by the waterfront!


We incorporated social-emotional learning frequently into our discussions, talking about how to apply problem-solving methods to situations at school, how to care for our community, how to see another person’s perspective, and the emotions and needs that drive behaviour so we can better understand why people do the things they do! We took a survey to understand our own needs, did some problem-solving brainstorms around conflicts, and took time to use the RULER coloured quadrant method to talk about our emotions. We will keep having these conversations throughout the year.


I loved how the class created their own version of the ABCs of Life, or How to Be Happy, using art skills to draw illustrations for the advice they wanted to share on how to be happier!.


FINALLY, we made efforts to solve our own problems!

Students chose problems in their lives, classroom, school, or community they wanted to solve. The emphasis was on following a problem-solving process and picking a method to solve the problem — INNOVATE, INVENT, or CAMPAIGN — based on the UN Global Goals Initiative.

They needed to identify a problem, find out the perspectives on the problem through conversation and research, brainstorm solutions, weigh the pros and cons of each solution, pick a solution, make a detailed plan, and try to implement it. I am proud of the many things Division 5 tried to take on during this project! While some groups have finished their solution, others are still working on the implementation, because their ideas were more complicated or involved. We look forward to each of you finishing your plan before end of year! 


In late January, we changed our focus to the concept of POWER in the unit COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY!

Our unit focus statement: Being an educated citizen requires reflection and critical thinking about how we communicate and receive information.

What is media and how can we gain personal POWER by being educated about it?

We reviewed a variety of media local newspapers to see how their construction, content, advertisements, audience, and reading level were different. We discussed what it means to be media literate, started taking greater notice of how much time we were spending with media, and discovered how it is present everywhere in our lives.

We compared the outside appearance of cereal packages, looking at how companies market products to children with bright colours, cool characters, games, and other gimmicks!

We looked at media advertisements to see what kinds of gimmicks were being used to make us want to buy products. We played games on the Canadian Media Literacy 101 website together to practice recognizing gimmicks in both print ads and commercials.

We became more aware of how to search for information online, avoiding commercial websites and looking for reliable sources not full of advertisements or false information. We discussed digital citizenship, learning how online games and social media collect personal information about us while we are having fun online! We played the game Data Defenders to practice NOT giving our information away, keeping our identities safe.

We had a visit from Scott Hinde, a contractor for Global TV, who is a technical director for events like Variety Telethons, Olympics curling events, hockey games, and more. We learned a lot about subliminal advertising and became more knowledgeable of how commercial products are present everywhere in media, not just in commercials!


How do we communicate our learning? Why is being able to communicate your ideas well important in all fields? Focus on communication skills!

We played several games to focus on communication skills, such as ordering fractions or decimals collaboratively on a clothesline, playing the game telephone, or doing drama games in gym such as “Guess Who is the Leader!” We reviewed active listening skills, and we talked about what makes a great “radio announcer” voice with clear tone, enunciation, volume, and enthusiasm. We practiced real radio scripts so we could get a taste of being announcers ourselves!

We communicated our ideas in a poster about our learning around math conjectures, and we campaigned using posters and PowerPoint presentations to help solve problems. Then, we reflected on our e-ports about our presentation skills.

Using the scientific method or procedure to communicate and document our science experiments and explorations!

We did three different experiments, focused on chemical reactions and seed germination, to practice using the scientific method accurately. We took careful observations as we made new substances like limestone out of baking soda and calcium carbonate! And we designed experiments to test the ideal conditions for seed germination. This was great practice, as many of us may want to use a science experiment as part of our term three independent project.


How are numbers used to communicate ideas in media?

We analyzed news articles on a variety of topics to see how math, particularly graphs, fractions, decimals, and percentages, are used to communicate ideas. We talked about how to recognize a “tricky graph” that may have been manipulated to back up someone’s point of view. If you see numbers, does that mean the information you see is automatically FACT and not someone’s OPINION?

We did lots of great practice around fractions and decimals, playing Fraction Wars, Fraction Concentration, Fraction Capture, making clotheslines to order decimals and fractions, analyzing seed packages for seed germination rates, and more! 


Making conversation is an important reason to learn a foreign language!

Ms. D challenged everyone to actively learn basic conversation in French, and we used a variety of songs and French videos to help us practice. We wrote mini conversations with friends, and our next step is to venture out and talk to someone who speaks French in our community! Great work everyone!

Sculpture and Drama as Forms of Media

In gym, we explored how the body communicates so much beyond words through active drama lessons. We found “neutral” positions in our bodies, and then we gradually added layers of movement. We moved at different levels, high, medium, and low. We led with different parts of our bodies. We walked and moved in different kinds of lines like wavy, zig zag, and straight. Eventually, we made some very cool characters and created frozen museum statues, sharing a gallery of creatures with one another. Ms. B also taught us yoga, which allowed us to become more aware of our bodies and of another way to relax and be mindful.

We also explored shape and form through sculpture in art. We went over the history of sculpture and how it, too, is a form of media, communicating a message. Each person then created their own sculpture out of steel wire, masking tape, newspaper, and acrylic paint. It was a longer project, but the result is well worth it.


Making Suncrest News!

Finally, we are all working together to create a news broadcast. Each person is writing a news story, and our goal is to try and complete the actual broadcast for our student-led conferences. Stay tuned! If we need more time, we will let you know how we will post it for you to see.

MUSIC at Suncrest!

Ms. Fletcher has more on her blog, but I also wanted to applaud Division 5 on their beautiful music! Ms. Fletcher wrote:  “In class, students have been exploring elements of beat, rhythm, tempo, pitch, and form through playing music individually and collaboratively on Orff instruments and boomwhackers, and learning to read music notation and play the recorder. Students also learned dances and music for our Lunar New Year Celebration.”

Thank you students for being leaders, participating in our School Choir, serving as MCs, or dancing during assemblies. We appreciate the extra time you spent rehearsing during lunch times!

We did even more than all of this
, but hopefully this gives everyone a clear picture of what we did. Please see our e-portfolios for more information. I will send everyone a Google link to additional photos from our term I am not able to post online. Thank you!

Happy Snow Day! Update on February 12th: Division 5 News….?

Hello Everyone,

Since we have a snow day, I thought it would be a good time to update everyone on what we are doing in class!


We have had great conversations about media literacy, including:

  • What media literacy is and why it is important (Check out Crash Course’s video on Media Literacy if you missed it!)
  • What kinds of media are out there, what are their features, and who are their audiences! (We looked at Vancouver Sun, The Province, The National, The Globe and Mail, magazines, etc. and identified their audience and reading level.)
  • Tricks and gimmicks advertisers use to sell products in the store, as well as in online, radio, TV and print commercials and ads (Watch some ads that are okay for kids here.)
  • How the media can manipulate graphs and numbers to tell their version of a story or to prove a point of view
  • How to check for reliable websites and to do effective searches online
  • The parts of a newspaper article/story (Check out Science News for Kids and Teaching Kids News for examples of news stories at our reading level.)
  • How editors of papers or producers of shows look for exciting things to report so the news programs can make money on advertising
  • How radio announcers deliver the news
  • The parts of a news broadcast
  • How to tell if something is plagiarism (Check out Byrne Creek Secondary’s Learning Commons Website as a follow up from our discussion in class.)
  • How to gather information to write your own news story.

PARENTS: I have been using Media Literacy 101 online, and there is a parents section you may want to check out for tips about media and digital literacy for children. Click here!

We had an editorial meeting of our Division 5 News Team (to be renamed by the group), and the Chief Producer (AKA Ms. D) asked for the team to PITCH story ideas for our own broadcast we will create about Suncrest Elementary News. Almost everyone has a story idea to work with now, and we also have a few commercials to make.

Everyone will be asked to write a news story for production, which will mean gathering data and doing interviews. That is for our next conversation as we get started!

As brainstormed in class, we will also need a team of builders to make our news desk, some anchors to do transitions, a new logo and news title (please bring in your suggestions!), visuals in the background for different reports, the proper clothing to wear for this kind of presentation, videographers, and editors. Our goal is to have something for people to see on March 14th.

In the meantime, here are things you can be doing to prepare for our broadcast!

  • Gather the who, what, why, when, where, and how details for your story as soon as you have been assigned an idea, which most of you have.
  • Write up some interview questions for important people you may need to talk to and get the questions approved by Ms. D. You will also need a press pass from me in order to go and ask questions.
  • Create a visual in the background for your story (simple pictures in a slideshow work)
  • Watch news reports online or on TV for examples of what a broadcast looks like
  • Listen to the radio, like News 1130 to hear how broadcasters and interviewers talk.
  • Listen to podcasts online. These are radio news broadcasts with longer stories and can give you ideas of how to report. Here’s a list of the Best Podcasts for Kids from Common Sense Media (I highly recommend you check these out, even for future research or ideas for projects, as there are all sorts of fascinating stories you will enjoy. My favourites are Brain On and Tumble — scroll down the list for the science ones.) Another list is Best Podcasts for Middle Schoolers. Get some help at home on how to listen to these. Most just require a computer and some headphones.
  • Pick out a nice outfit. Start looking at what news reporters wear. They don’t wear fleece hoodies or sweat pants. 🙂


We have finished up our Math Conjectures posters and slideshows. Ms. D is handing back feedback after reading all of your self-assessments. Some of you still need to hand in your notes and research by sharing it in Google. Thank you for getting those in so I can see all of your work!

In connection with our media unit, and as a follow up to mathematics work in our problem-solving unit from before, we have been working with our student teacher Ms. B on better understanding fractions, decimals, and percentages. On Twitter, Ms. D posted pictures of our Fractions War game, the concentration game, and the two clothesline activities we did, learning about equivalent fractions AND how to order fractions and decimals.

For science, we did a cool lab experiment on chemical reactions, so we could discuss the ways in which you can know a chemical reaction has occurred and also review the scientific method. Using this knowledge of how to communicate and document our science investigations, we created our own experiments on seed germination with Ms. B. Check out the pictures on Twitter and look at our windows, which are full of seeds waiting to sprout (or not!) We look forward to seeing the results!

COMMUNICATION is the key core competency area during this unit. How is math used to communicate ideas or to persuade others? What are statistics? What kind of graph or visual representation is best to present information? Here are some videos and websites on this topic:


We continue our efforts to replace more of our basic conversation in English with French! We are finding it effective and fun to use French songs to do this. Please see the French posting, which will be updated with websites as we use them! Please practice the websites and phrases we have reviewed. On Friday, we partnered up to begin constructing dialogues. But that is just a practice. Ms. D will reveal the real French challenge soon, so keep practicing those phrases!


We have been working on endurance, improving our running times each opportunity we have in the gym! We are also mainly working on communicating ideas through movement, building communication skills for theatre and drama activities while also getting exercise. As our weather improves, I look forward to doing more of our gym outside, and we will be doing some walking after spring break!!


Students are finishing their masking tape sculptures, and we will be painting them soon!

More to come soon! Have a safe evening!

Ms. D

Becoming Media Literate! Update Friday February 1st

Hello Everyone,

Quick Update!

Math: We are working on finishing our mini posters or slideshows on a conjecture, pattern, or illusion from our investigations of math curiosities. You have had some time in class, and we will look to have them all done by Friday, February 8th.

Problem-Solving Projects: Everyone turned in their plans, which were reviewed by Ms. D. We had discussions about next steps, whether it was finishing models, posters, and educational items, or preparing to talk to Ms. Driussi about permission to proceed with solutions in a meeting next Tuesday. Everyone had to make an e-port entry on the solution they came up with for their problem.

Unit Review/Goals: Some of you have not published it, but everyone was asked to complete a unit review a while ago. Please check to make sure you published it on your e-port. We also took a look again at our term one report cards to review our goals for term two. Please finish your e-port entry on how you are addressing your goals by the end of next week. Great reflecting, everyone!

MEDIA! We have done a lot of great work this week talking about forms of media, how media affects us, and advertisements. This weekend you are asked to look at a paper advertisement of your choice and fill out the handout I gave you today. Please use the list of advertisement tricks I gave you as you analyze your ads. I look forward to our discussion on Monday. If you want to look at some kid-friendly TV ads to look at how gimmicks and other tricks are used to sell messages and products to you, here is a web link to find the commercials we were viewing in class.

Other updates on Twitter and in email.  Thank you and have a great weekend, especially for those of you joining in any Chinese New Year celebrations!


Ms. D

French Challenge! Build Vocab to Conversation! (Updated Frequently)

Hello Everyone!

In class today, we began the process of building our vocabulary together a small bit at a time to gather the tools we need to communicate in French in a basic conversation.

Each day, we will practice a few words and phrases together. We will decide as a class which 3 words or phrases we will add to our repertoire of words that we are actively using. In class we will actively use the words with one another, doing exercises to practice, but…..

The bigger challenge will be going the whole day using our new words (and all the previous ones, too), substituting Francais for Anglais slowly.

Here you will find our list of words as we continue to add to our challenge. You can watch any video of basic French greetings online to practice, and here is one we are using right now to learn the first phrases. Stay tuned as I gradually add to this list. My apologies for not using special French characters on some of the words, but we are copying them correctly in class.

Je — I  (the pronoun to refer to yourself)

merci — thank you

bonjour — hello

bienvenue — welcome

je m’appelle — my name is

je suis — I am 

Comment ca va? — How are you? 

oui — yes

ca va bien – I am good

ca va mal – I am bad

ca va pas mal — I am okay (meh)

ca va comme ci comme ca — I am a this and that / I am so so 

ca va! — I am okay

GREETINGS SONG  Comment ca va!



BONNE CHANCE!  (Good Luck!)

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