Independent Project Reflection, Due June 15th

In your e-port, please answer the following questions by June 15th, please. You will need to wait to answer questions 5-7 until after we present on June 12th.


TITLE:  Independent Project Reflection


  1.  Why did you choose this topic for independent project?
  2.  What are some questions you asked as you did research and what categories were they in?
  3.  What did you choose to do for primary research? How did it go?
  4.  What did you choose to do for your presentation?
  5.  After presentation day, how did your presentation go when speaking with the public about your topic?
  6.  What are you most proud of from this project?
  7.  What would you do differently for next year when doing independent research?

E-PORT Curious Crows and Symbiosis

TITLE:  Curious Crows and Symbiosis


How do you tell the difference between a crow and a raven?

What is a crow’s job in our ecosystem? Please be specific and give examples.

Who lives longer, a crow or a raven? Why?

What kinds of things would be a threat to a crow?

How are crows smart?

What is symbiosis?

What are the three types of symbiosis — tell me what they are and give an example of each one.

Bonus Question Only (answer if you can): She mentioned biomagnification and crows. What is this, and what does it have to do with crows?

End of Week Check In May 18th

Hello Everyone,

Here is a check in for everyone about what we are working on. This isn’t everything, but just an overview of some of the key items so you keep on track. Thank you!

E-Port Check In on Connection (overdue)
Map of Ecoprovinces Handout (due by Friday May 19)
Animal Research in Journal (we will check in on May 19)
Discussion on Symbiosis and Notes in Journal (done in class)
VARC Presentation on Curious Crows (done Tuesday May 16)
E-Port on VARC Presentation and Symbiosis (due Thursday, May 25)

Language Arts:
Greek/Latin Tasks (overdue)
AutoBio Poem in Journal (overdue)
Questions Poem in Journal (overdue)
List of Facts Poem in Journal (overdue)
Things I Like/Dislike  and   Mixed Senses Poems  (overdue)
Alliteration List ABCs and Poem (due Tuesday, May 23)
Ode (due Tuesday, May 23)
Lyrics Rewrite (due Tuesday, May 23)
Reading of Skeleton Tree Novel (done in class)

Measurement Handout (overdue)
Origami Hummingbird and Notes in Journal on Geometry – Origami Math (done in class)
Tricky Triangles Handout, Making a triangle and using it for art (done in class)
Planet Earth Math (ongoing, in class on EPIC or using handouts in school only)

Independent Project:
Notes, digital or journal (overdue)
Bibliography  (due May 31 to Ms. D in email)
Primary Research Documents (due May 31 to Ms. D in email)
Handouts (due June 8th)
Presentation Items (due June 9th so we can check in before presentation day)
Reflection on E-Port (due June 15th)


Core Competency Reflection (due June 15th)

Monday May 15 Check In – Ongoing work we are doing!

To help keep students on track, I always write down assignments on the board and go over planners with everyone, so we all know how to use our 30-40 minutes. I can’t do this all of the time, but as we have a lot going on right now, and we are working on our personal awareness and self-management skills, I think it would be helpful to have a list here to refer to. I will update it every few days.

***Time is given in class for all of these things, but everyone needs to be using their 30-40 minutes to do catch up.

E-Port Check In on Connection (due Wed May 17)
Map of Ecoprovinces Handout (due by Friday May 19)
Animal Research (we will check in on May 19)

Language Arts:
Greek/Latin Tasks (due Tues May 16)
AutoBio Poem in Journal (overdue)
Questions Poem in Journal (due Tues May 16)
List of Facts Poem in Journal (due Tues May 16)
Things I Like/Dislike  and   Mixed Senses Poems  (due Wed May 17)

Measurement Handout (Marked in class today May 15, please turn in)

Independent Project:
Notes, digital or journal (overdue)
Bibliography  (due May 31 to Ms. D in email)
Primary Research Documents (due May 31 to Ms. D in email)
Handouts (due June 8th)
Presentation Items (due June 9th so we can check in before presentation day)

Nature Connection and Language Arts

Hello Everyone,

As we continue our unit on the Nature Connection, here is a summary of what we are doing for Language Arts, which is intertwined into all of our activities:

  • Latin Words: To better understand our discussions around taxonomy and the classification of animals in science, we are studying Latin prefixes and suffixes, which are often used in scientific terms. They are also useful for gleaning the meaning of words we don’t know, as Latin is the root of the English language. There are tasks in each student’s binder, and there was class time given to do the work. Ideally these are completed by Tuesday, May 16th end of day.
  • Descriptive and Figurative Language: As we go outside for our walks and discuss our connection to nature, we are working on being descriptive with our vocabulary. In class, we have done some exercises in our journal to begin this journey. We are using the book Rip the Page to do poetry writing explorations, designed to get our creative imaginations flowing. We will also learn about figurative language such as personification, metaphor, and simile, as well as forms of poetry including free verse, tankas, quatrains, and ballads. Each day we will try to do 1-2 different activities.
  • Poetry Journal: Students will store these poetry explorations in their journals and then select some to be put in an artistic presentation. More to come on the options for completing this, but in the meantime, students are collecting their poems each day in their journals.
  • Skeleton Tree: We will be discussing how one can survive in nature, and the relationship between people and the land, through the novel Skeleton Tree. Students will use the Question, Answer, Response method as we read, which encourages them to think of deeper questions and to notice details while reading. We will do this together as a group, then students will produce a brief e-port book report.

More details to come about specific assignment details and due dates. This is just a summary of what we are doing.

Thank you,

Ms. D

Connecting to Place: Indigenous Organisms of BC Project Part One

Hello Everyone,

We are doing some research on indigenous organisms of British Columbia, to be more connected to the place we live in.

Our purpose in doing the research is to become familiar with the organism, to practice finding information about classification, and to also have details we can use to make an art project, which will be part two of the project.

I provided a list of BC organisms (plants, animals, and fungi), and everyone chose one to work on. Everyone is working on a different organism so we can broaden what we find out as a class, and information can be shared with all of us about the biodiversity of B.C.

First, do some research on your organism, after you have read the background handout I provided on the ecoprovinces of B.C.

Answer these questions in your journal:

  1.  What is the scientific name for the organism?  (Latin name)
  2.  How would we classify the organism?  (Kingdom, Phylum, etc.)
  3.  Where would we find the organism in BC?  (biome, ecoprovince, ecosystem, towns, areas)
  4.  What are some of the unique adaptations and characteristics of your organism?
  5.  Is there an Indigenous name for your organism? Any Indigenous stories you can find about your organism?
  6.  Is there a use for your organism by other organisms including humans? Do Indigenous Peoples of BC have a use for it?
  7.  Is the organism an autotroph or heterotroph? How specifically does your organism get its energy?
  8.  Does the organism have a relationship with other organisms (symbiotic, parasitic, etc.)?
  9.  Is your organism a consumer, producer, or decomposer?
  10.  How would I identify this organism in the wild if I was looking for it? What are its key features to look for?
  11.  Is this organism endangered at all? Are there any problems it has currently?


Please put the notes from these questions in your journal. You do not need to write all of the sources of the information, but do make sure you use legitimate websites and be critical thinkers about whether your resources are good ones! Part two to come after we do this research!

This research is due May 19th, Friday, so we can move on to the next step.


Ms. D

E-Port, Nature Connection May 10th

As a reminder, please USE your journal and your notes from our discussions to help. In addition,  you have been given readings in class which are in your binder, and there is the Biodiversity in Crisis book we read in class.

This e-port is due next Wednesday May 17th.

Title:  Nature Connection May 10th


What does it mean to be abiotic and biotic? Provide examples of each.

How do we know something is alive? What are the criteria?

What makes an ecosystem healthy and how is interdependence part of that?

What is a keystone species? Give an example.

How do we classify organisms?

Why do we classify organisms?

What does the word biodiversity mean and why is it important?

What are autotrophs and heterotrophs?

What does it mean to be sessile and mobile?

As we design an artificial intelligence to do classification of organisms, what are some things that can interfere with getting accurate results? (discussed during workshop)

Why are the sacoglossan sea slug and red tree coral a bit harder to classify as a plant, animal, or fungi?

What is a consumer, producer, and decomposer?

Where does the flow of energy come from in an ecosystem?

What are the other cycles beyond a water cycle in our Earth systems?

How is biodiversity in crisis? Please provide examples from the book in class.



Parent E-Port for Student Led Conferences

Thank you for making an e-port entry in your child’s e-port blog! They have created the questions, and here they are:

TITLE:  Parent E-Port for Student Led Conferences


1.  How do the rumblebots move forward?

2.  What was your questions on the wonderings board and what type was it?

3.  What are the gerbils names?

4.  How were the sculptures made?

5.  What strengths did your child say they had on their resume?

6.  What kinds of breaks can you take on the break board?

7.  What did we make in the Reaction or No experiment?

8.  What molecule did you create at the molecules station?

9.  What was your favourite part of student leds and why?

Independent Project Update May 3rd

Hello Everyone!

Independent Project Presentations are June 12th! That time is coming up soon, so we are moving into the next phase of our preparations. Here are the next steps:

  1.  NOTES TO MS. D:  Notes should be done at this time. Clean up your notes and save them to the link Ms. D will email you for “One Drive Independent Project Notes and Documents”, or show them to me if you have them in your journal. As discussed, taking notes and documenting your research is a major part of your mark for this project.
    1. If you did a lab experiment, make sure you have done a write up for it using the scientific method.
    2. If you conducted an interview, create a document with the questions and answers from it. Include your interview in your bibliography.
    3. If you did a visit or observation of something, then document it with pictures and notes in a MS Word document.
    4.  If you did a model or project, take pictures of the model as it is being developed, and document your process with a reflection in MS Word.
    1. Today we went over how to do a bibliography and how to document a book, website, encyclopedia, interview, image, or graph.
    2.  Please go through your notes and begin to put these into a bibliography on MS Word.
    3.  Don’t forget to use a hanging indent.
    4.  Label the bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY along with the TITLE of your topic and your NAME.
    5.  Bibliography entries are presented in alphabetical order, from A – Z.
    1.  We brainstormed presentation ideas in class. There are many options.
    2.  YOU MAY NOT MAKE A POSTER. I will not be giving out posterboard for this project. But, you can make anything that will easily stand on a table. We don’t have enough wall space or locations to hang posters.
    3.  You can have a trifold, but it is not required. Trifolds are not available at the school, but there are options at dollar stores, Staples, and Michaels. It isn’t required to spend money on one, though. Find some big pieces of cardboard, bend it into three sections, and we can cover with large paper found here at the school.
    4.  Your project needs something visual to look at and something to read.
    5.  Your project display will include a copy of your bibliography (not your notes.)
    6.  People like to interact with things when they visit you — your experiment, handouts, a game, a slideshow on PowerPoint, pictures on your trifold, a model, etc.
    7.  If you create a handout such as a word find, crossword, ZINE, brochure, please do it in black and white, and Ms. D is happy to make copies for you so you can hand them out to everyone who is coming. Deadline to request photocopies is June 8th in the morning.
    8.  Space provided during presentations will depend on how much you have for stuff! So, you may get a small individual desk, or a half table, or have to share a table with others. We will work out logistics of that as soon as I see what people have created.
    9.  You may use a laptop or iPad if you have a slideshow or PowerPoint. Your PowerPoint can have research written in it, but do not have it as the only way to communicate information to the public, as it won’t get read on presentation day.
    10.  Any item you make, take a picture of it and label it. Ms. D will be asking for any digital items you have to post on the BLOG to share with the public beyond our in-person event.
    11.  Supplies. Request supplies ASAP from Ms. D so she can help you get what you need to make this project happen! I have art stuff you can use, and the school has paper. We just don’t have trifolds.
  5.  Reflection and Marking:  After your project is done, you will post an e-port entry about how it went for you, in class on June 13th. Ms. D will then respond to that e-port with comments about how the project went for you. I have a general rubric for the project to share with you, but we have talked about key criteria:
    1.  Must have documented research notes
    2.  Must show questions you have asked
    3.  Must have a list of resources and a bilbiography showing you spent time on the project, worthy of the research time you have been given since end of January
    4.  Must have primary research option
    5.  Presentation must include some writing and visuals
    6.  Project must have a completed reflection, where you talk about what went well, what you learned, and what you would do for the next time.

Time will be given in class, but now is an important time to ensure you have time carved out at home to work quietly on things you may not be able to finish in class. Please bring things to class you are working on, as I will be giving you class time, and you need something to work on!

Do not do the entire project at home, as then I cannot see you have done the work yourself, and you will be bored or distracting others during our project work periods.

I look forward to supporting you with this event and presentation!

Ms. D

E-Port Watershed Visit

Hello Everyone,

Even if you did not do the watershed visit, you can still do these questions, as they deal with what we learned about the water cycle over the last few days.

Title: Our Connection to Water


Explain briefly (one sentence per part) what the key parts of the water cycle are. Use scientific words. Make sure you include the new word we learned about the role trees play in the water cycle.

What is a watershed and why is it called that?

What are the three watersheds our drinking water comes from?

How does the GVRD keep our watersheds protected, and why?

What is turbidity and what causes it?

Why is the water safe for you to drink from the tap in the Greater Vancouver area?

If our water purification and delivery system didn’t exist, and you needed to find your own water like people did long ago, where would you take water from in order to ensure it was the most clean? Why?

Why do we need to conserve water, since there seems to be so much?

What advice would you give to someone during the summer months to conserve water?

Why would it be important to protect the animals and plants of the watershed?

What kind of animals and plants did you learn about on our trip, or that you know live in the watershed area?

Think about one thing you learned about at the watershed. Do a bit of research on it, and tell me more about it! (Need ideas? Witch’s Butter, Moss and First Nations, Bears and Marking Territory, Kingfishers, Monitoring of Watersheds, Albino salmon, mycelium and trees)

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