Your World Update!

Hello everyone!

I explained the criteria for the YOUR WORLD project in a previous post, so make sure you check it! Projects are due on Wednesday, November 7th, end of day.

When you are done… is the next step!

Today we talked about how we will present our projects to one another. We will be having a FEDERATION of MACC PLANETS meeting. As the ambassador for your planet, you will come to the meeting to express your culture and resource needs to other planets in the Federation.

In our next unit (more info to come shortly), we will talk about the United Nations, so this is a segue into that discussion. It is also linked to Ms. D’s favourite Science Fiction series Star Trek, which has a Federation of Planets, as well!

Be thinking of how you will present yourself at the first meeting of our FEDERATION. What is the flag or symbol that represents your world? Will you come in any traditional, cultural dress or costume to represent your world? What kinds of resources or things might you like to see out from the other worlds in our FEDERATION?

Thank you,

Ms. D

Create Your Own Math Game!

Hello Everyone!

Some of you are still working on finishing the math tasks, which is fine, but you may need to use more of your personal time now to catch up. Come show me your completed tasks as soon as you are done.

For those who are ready, please begin working on your own math game!

Learning Intention: Create a game for a specific audience that will teach or practice specific math skills.  


  • Choose an audience for your game. It could be our class, intermediate students, or primary students, such as our buddy class.
  • Choose a format for your game. It does not have to be something complicated. Think about all the games we experimented with during our unit. 
  • Think about what will make a game appealing. When you compared games, what kinds of things did you notice will make an interesting game?
  • Many of you said you enjoyed critical-thinking games that involve strategy. What strategy will you need to use to win your game?
  • Think about a unique idea. Avoid playing another version of a pre-existing card or board game. You can use elements of games you have played, but we are not copying games.
  • Determine what materials you will need. Either create or gather what you will need to play the game.
  • Write a set of rules for the game on the computer in size 12 font. Rules need to have the game title, game objective, game materials, game strategy, the math you are practicing through the game, and the steps you will need to play the game.
  • Have someone play your game. 
  • Evaluate your own game for its success!

Last year, we made complicated board games for the human body unit. The purpose of those games was to practice specific knowledge from the unit. For this project, however, the intention is to use math actively, and to involve critical-thinking skills and strategy! So, the game can be more simple in its format, but you need to put some time into how the game is played.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Ms. D

Form Follows Function PowerPoint or Google Slide Presentation

Hello Everyone!

As we finish our unit on the concept of STRUCTURE, we are going to communicate our understandings using the tools of PowerPoint or Google Slides, our presentation voices, and the research we did during the unit on an animal’s structure.

Earlier in our unit, we discussed the human skeleton and how its form is related to its function. We then expanded our thinking to look at animal skeletons, observing how they are different from the human one, and thinking about the function of their skeletons based on habitat, adaptations, predators, etc. Each student chose an animal they were interested in and did research to answer these questions:

  1. What is the form of the animal? (Skeleton, features, etc.)
  2. What are the adaptations of the animal? (Adapted to environment/habitat and protecting itself from predators)
  3. How does it get its food source? (what form/features does it have that help it get its food)
  4. Any other interesting facts about your animal?

This was a great introduction to research we will do throughout the year during our inquiry projects. We talked about how to use a question to drive your research AND how to document findings through note taking in the journal.

NOW….we are going to make a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation to show how form is related to function.

If you are new to PowerPoint, here are the things we are learning how to do. (Know the basics, and then if there’s time, use other fancy features. The fancy features are not required.:

  1. Create a PowerPoint by choosing a theme/design
  2. Insert and add to text boxes
  3. Creating titles
  4. Using different fonts and changing size and colour — making fonts clear to read!
  5. Adding images from the internet (and not using copyrighted images!)
  6. Changing the colour of a background on a slide — but not using red or black!
  7. Viewing the slide show
  8. Changing order of slides
  9. Limiting slides to title, image, 1-2 sentences or bullet points

Most students chose to do their animal for this PowerPoint, while a few decided to do a different object or animal, and that is fine. Just take into mind that this choice results in a bit more work to do the research part again! For those new to PowerPoint or in grade four, I highly recommend you do the animal we already researched to save time.

For the presentation, please include:

  1. A title slide — title, name, date
  2. A theme or design you use throughout the presentation
  3. Talk about an animal or object, and how its form follows function.
  4. Have 10 slides maximum.
  5. Talk about:  What is the form? 
  6. Talk about:  What is the function?
  7. Talk about:  How are form and function of this animal or object connected?
  8. No bibliography is required for this presentation.
  9. Keep text to 1-2 sentences or bullet points per slide.
  10. You will be presenting this out loud. If you want to add notes to slides to help, you can do this.
  11. Remember, PowerPoint is a visual tool! We use it to illustrate the things we want to say! You can always SAY more than you WRITE when you present.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Ms. D

Finishing Work on Structure: Update

Hello Everyone!

Wow! We have done a lot during our first two months, and we are working away on projects to finish our large unit on STRUCTURE.

Structure of Numbers – Math!

I have been very impressed with everyone’s critical thinking, enthusiasm, and practice of independent time-management skills during our open math tasks about structure of numbers. Thank you for your hard work! If you are not done by end of day tomorrow, Nov. 2nd, then please visit “Ms. D’s office” to talk about prioritizing which tasks are the most important to finish.

If you are all done, as some of you are, then you will get to move on to your mini math project of creating your own game that practices a math skill. I will make a separate post with the requirements for you tomorrow.

We will also spend some time in class debriefing from our tasks, going over the key ideas from the unit discovered through your activities and group discussions. 

By the way, thank you again to all of the 11 students who came and volunteered to lead math games for the Suncrest Family Math Games Night! It was an amazing event and your help and leadership were much appreciated!

Your World!

I can see some very unique worlds being created, and everyone is making models and written work to explain their worlds in different ways — cardboard models, Book Creator booklets, written explanations on MS Word, and other creative methods. I look forward to seeing how you explain the parts of your world through both writing and a visual display. Make sure to check criteria we discussed on the blog. Extended deadline — Nov. 7th, Wed.

Form = Function!

On our unit board, you can see orange stickies with examples of how we discussed the concept of STRUCTURE throughout our inquiries across subject areas. I also asked everyone to identify an object or organism of interest to them that they could use to discuss how form follows function. You may want to decide to do the animal you chose from before, as you can talk about how form follows function in terms of habitat, anatomy, etc., and you have already completed research on the topic, too! You will make a PowerPoint showing how form follows function for the object or organism and present it to the class. You can work with a partner, too, if you want to. We will talk about criteria in class.


Students have continued their lessons on Duolingo, and I linked many new assignments to their accounts today to complete over the next two weeks. Also, students can earn extra XL points for their Duolingo account by doing 10 minutes of practice each day. Some students are working independently and at their own pace, ahead of the assignments I am giving, as they have previous experience with French, and that is okay!

More Information, Upcoming Events and New Unit!

Next week, we have a Diwali assembly, a Cup Stacking activity as a whole school, and the Remembrance Day Assembly. Our class is currently making mixed media art to highlight the symbol of the poppy, and everyone is learning how to work with new materials, about elements and principles of art such as perspective, and how to use tools like acrylic paint and brushes effectively. Division 5 will also be singing for the assembly. Please wear dark pants and a white shirt for the assembly on Friday.

Everyone has prepared some talking points for their SKILL SHARE, during which they will teach others about a topic they are familiar with, so we will set up dates to do the sharing soon.

Thank you to the entire class for their leadership helping to deliver hot lunches to all of the classes in the school! You have been doing a great job!

We continue to talk about the core competencies, and we watched a great video today about the skills needed in today’s “Human Economy”. Please check it out here!

On November 19th, we will have a set of ozobots in the classroom to work with, so I look forward to another opportunity for students to do the coding we learned about at Science World!

Some students have begun using their Google Docs account from school. This account does not have email or Google Chat, so if students are using those things, they are on a personal account, which is not something I recommend for students this age. We use Google Docs to save our work and to be able to work on projects between home and school.

Thank you for following my TWITTER feed that has photos of work we do and events from school, as well as links to education articles or interesting things students and parents may want to know about! Please note it is my professional account, so not every post will be about Division 5, but all posts are relevant to education and critical thinking around our units and curriculum.

Keep checking the EPORTS for student reflections. We try to do one per week, and then I gradually read through them and comment as soon as I am able during the following week.

Caribou Math Test — Not all students are interested in continuing with the monthly Caribou Tests. The test is 100% optional, and I do not look at results for evaluating students. If anyone wants to continue, they can. Grade four students are free. Grade 5 students need to purchase their code. Steps to do so will be sent in email. Next test is on Nov. 14/15.

Our new unit will focus on perspective and problem-solving! More on that soon!

Have a great evening!

Ms. D

Independent Math Tasks

Hello Everyone!


As we investigate the concept of STRUCTURE in numbers, I have provided a variety of independent and collaborative tasks to explore our math content and curricular competencies.

The tasks involve playing games and analyzing them, making visual representations of math concepts, creating a math rap, answering math questions online and in a book, and more.

Students have a lot of choice, and they can complete tasks in any order. Depending on how they feel, they can work with a partner at a large table, or choose to sit alone for a bit at a private desk. I hope it will provide everyone with the appropriate level of engagement they need to explore our math curriculum with depth and complexity. If anyone needs help with the questions, I am here to guide and to teach students one-on-one.

The task list is kept in the red binder. Red binders can be taken home as long as they come back to class each day. I will give time in class each day and all games and tools are available in class. Websites to explain the games, as well as more complex topics, are available under “Math” in the Articles of Interest.

The tasks allow us to investigate math content and curricular competencies across subject areas. As they work together or alone, students will be able to:

  • Practice and discuss elements of good learning and work habits
  • Use critical-thinking skills to obtain information and mathematical understandings
  • Exchange ideas and build shared understandings about the math content.
  • Integrate language arts and math, using language in creative ways to express math understandings.
  • Answer critical-thinking questions, ask questions of their own, corroborate inferences, and draw conclusions using evidence.
  • Collect simple data to provide evidence about their thinking
  • Use graphs and venn diagrams to make comparisons and organize the data.
  • Develop mental math strategies and abilities to make sense of quantities (Magic Number activities, Sumoku game, Quirkle).
  • Visualize to explore mathematical concepts (Quirkle, Blokus, Venn Diagrams)
  • Use technology to explore mathematics (iPad videos, Math is Fun website, Domain of Science YouTube Channel, and more.)
  • Develop, demonstrate, and apply math understandings through play, inquiry, and problem solving.
  • Communicate math understandings in many ways.
  • Work with addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and multiples and factors according to their abilities and grade level.
  • Explore patterns found in numbers and how they can be represented both visually and numerically.
  • Investigate number concepts such as types of numbers (irrational, rational, integers, etc.), number lines, prime and composite numbers, and more.

Enjoy our math tasks!

Ms. D

Creating Your World Project

Hello Everyone!

In class, we have started working on a project related to social studies, applied design, science, and language arts curriculum content and competencies.

Each student is inventing their own world to show an understanding of the concept of STRUCTURE as it relates to how our own world is organized to support human life.

We are working in partner groups, and the creative thinking is going well!

As you create your own world, here are the things you need to think about to show a complete understanding of STRUCTURE as it relates to how we organize ourselves:

  • Where is your world situated in the universe? What universe? What star/sun is supporting life with its radiant energy? Are there other planets around it?
  • What is the name of your world?
  • What is the topography like on your world? What kind of land features, continents, bodies of water, etc. will your world have?
  • How does the world support human life? (It can have other life on there, but the world must support humanoids.)
  • Focus on one city on one continent. What is its name?
  • Who lives in the city? Why do they live in that location?
  • How is the city organized? (Government, Police, Services, etc.)
  • How do people get the resources they need?
  • How does the city make money to create things and live? Do the people make something specific and sell it? Do they sell resources?
  • Does the city have a specific currency or trade system?
  • How do people communicate? What is their language?
  • Is there anything else about culture you can tell us about to show the STRUCTURE of how people live?

Once you have thought of all these things, then you need to present the information to us. First, you will need writing to address everything in the list above. How and where you write it will depend on the format you use for showing us your world. Here are the options:

  • Create a poster of your world with pictures and writing
  • Create a 2D model of your world with a piece of cardboard, and then use clay to represent the land and features. Then do some writing to explain it.
  • Use the Book Creator app to put both pictures and writing together to show us your world.
  • Create a 3D model of your world, and then use writing and other items to explain and show features of your world.

Lots of choices, but the important thing is to talk about the bullet points above. Steps to getting this done are:

  1. Brainstorm with a partner details of the world.
  2. Decide who is going to write on what features. Split up the work so each person has three things of their own to write about. That way each of you has a role.
  3. Decide what format you will use for showing information. Gather any materials you will need and talk to the teacher about materials available in class.
  4. Do some writing independently and then come together to talk about what you have written. Edit the writing and add any details. Make final drafts after editing.
  5. Decide who will build which features, so the work is split up. Then come together with your features to make the main project.
  6. If you need help sorting out roles, please talk to Ms. D
  7. Keep checking the lists above to ensure you are on track and have addressed all the important questions about your world somewhere, either in the model/pictures you are creating or the writing.

Have fun! We will be using lots of core competencies during this project, such as communication and personal awareness skills as you work with a partner and balance your work, creative thinking skills to create the world, and critical thinking skills as you make thoughtful decisions about where to place your world.

Ms. D


Language Arts Activities, A Quick Summary

Hello Everyone!

This is just a quick entry to summarize what we are doing for LANGUAGE ARTS as related to our concept of STRUCTURE.

Reading Around the World: This activity will be going on all year long to help provide structure for the 20 minutes of reading recommended every night. Thank you to the many students who are already using their green duotangs as a guide for choosing new reading! Ms. Ho is also there to help you on Wednesdays when we go to library, and she has made photocopies of encyclopedia entries for students who ask. Remember, our objective is to read a variety of different types of material. Try a newspaper, magazine, journal, non-fiction article, etc. Thank you for your reading efforts!

Tuning In Articles: Students received a yellow duotang, that needs to stay in their backpacks each day, for our Tuning In program. The focus is non-fiction articles, which are found on the Articles of Interest Page. Six reflections are due by October 12th. Time is given in class, and students may also work on it at home. Please use the guidelines in the duotang for how to write reflections. Our goal is to use critical-thinking and metacognition skills while reading. 

Vocabulary Building!: While we do not do regular spelling tests, we do introduce a variety of new vocabulary during the course of a unit. These words are recorded in our journals, repeated often, and written on the board, with the hopes students will use them when talking about learning in their e-Portfolios. In the yellow duotangs, students also have a Byrdseed Vocabulary Builder List, which for this month is about HOMOPHONES. Many homophones are frequently mixed up and misspelled. There are a series of tasks we will do to review the words, and the first one is to create puns or jokes!

Skill Share Project: Each of us has a skill we could share with the people around us! As we practice quality structure of sentences and paragraphs, students will be making mini-presentations to share a skill with others. So far, each student has brainstormed what kinds of skills they may want to share. More details to come in a separate post on the specific criteria for the project.

Create a New World: Students will be using many curricular competencies from language arts as they do their socials-related project around STRUCTURE, which is creating a new world with a partner(s)! Look for details to come in a separate post.

This is a small snapshot of the many ways we use both curricular content and competencies from language arts throughout our unit and school day. Thank you for your support of these skills and tasks at home, as well.

Ms. D

Lots More on Structure! Update September 24th

Hello Everyone!

We have been gradually unpacking our unit and getting used to our permanent weekly schedule! It was great to meet everyone’s parents last week, and I look forward to another interesting week ahead! Here’s a quick update of what we are doing!


How do designers use scientific knowledge to make things? We are investigating the states of matter, energy and Newton’s laws, and other physics phenomena that a designer may take into mind when creating a structure.

  • With our rumblebots, we investigated energy transfer through vibrations, and we watched a video to learn how they travel down the track!
  • We used slinky toys to look at compression waves and how energy travels. Watch the slinky challenge here, and the answer to the challenge at this site.
  • We used ramps and marbles to talk about how Newton’s first law and how gravity, height, and friction affect a moving object.
  • We watched Bill Nye’s video on Structure, which everyone seemed to enjoy, during which he emphasized FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION!
  • We began to create pendulums in a new lab and will follow up on that this week.
  • You can read more on Newton’s Laws here, or look up the three laws on many other websites! We will discuss them further this week.

How is anatomy structure of an organism designed to serve the organism’s function?

  • While in the gym, we asked how the skeleton and parts of the body help us to be the mobile humans we are!
  • We looked at a poster of the human skeleton and talked about the functions of each structure. Why do we look the way we do?
  • We then went through a large visual book of animal skeletons and tried to guess the animals’ names just by looking at their bone structure. We determined that bone structures depend on animal behaviour, habitat, size, food, and predators. Everyone was asked to think about an animal they can look at more closely for its skeletal structure.


We are continuing to look at the structure of mathematics and our number system!

  • Through Stanford University’s elementary school resources called YouCubed, we completed activities on brain crossing and visual representations of numbers related to multiples/factors/primes, observing patterns (such as Fibonacci and Pascal), and the skills needed for mathematics, such as being a skeptic or a convincer! Skeptics are important, because they ask the important questions that keep developing our mathematical knowledge!
  • As a follow up to YouCubed’s visual representation of numbers, we looked at the first 20 numbers out of the 101 coded ones in the game Prime Climb. Using the initial 20, students were asked to form their own coloured versions of the numbers 21-40. We all figured out the code had to do with primes, multiples, and factors!
  • Then, we played the game in groups! If you don’t know the game Prime Climb, check it out. The objective is to reach the number 101 with two pawns, and to do it, you have to use four operations and strategy to be the first home! This was a great example of how games are fun ways to review and to learn math concepts.
  • More of YouCubed, Prime Climb, and other games and math questions this week!


So far we have been talking about hierarchy of how the world is broken down. More coming this week as we talk about the structure of our world, country, province, etc. and of our neighbourhood. If we were creating a society, what would we need? How would it be structured?

Class Meeting:

Speaking of how a place is structured, the way we introduce new ideas and discuss the ways to make student proposals happen is through class meeting! Thank you to those students who volunteered to be meeting leader and note taker the last two weeks. So far, we have a Halloween Party Committee formed! We will have class meeting on Wednesdays if you have ideas you would like the class to consider! If you want something to happen, speak up, or make a written proposal for the agenda before we start a meeting! Our next discussion we will decide as a class if we are going to do Caribou Math this year.


Don’t forget to bring your library books every Wednesday so you can check out new ones! Wednesday is our permanent library day.

Personal Awareness Competency:

During this unit we are focusing on the core competency of Personal Awareness. We read about the competency on Thursday last week. Some key words that we talked about were responsibility, taking care of yourself, advocating for yourself, resilience, goals, well-being, and balanced. You can read about the competency here!

We had a discussion and game about the Comfort Circle and in our journals began to identify characteristics of our own personal comfort zone, learning zone, and panic zone. We talked about how knowing your comfort zone “place” in your mind is helpful, because you can imagine that place when you are stressed. 


Everyone received their E-Portfolios after we assigned all of the iPads to specific students and discussed digital citizenship. Please be careful to not share your passwords! You can access your e-port here, and Mom and Dad have passwords now to view your work, as well.

We will use the e-portfolios to make specific entries about our work. Please only put in an entry when assigned one by Ms. D. When I put questions on the board, please do add them to the post, so Mom and Dad can know the questions you are responding to! So far we have two entries! Go check them out!

Also, for more information on what we are doing in class, don’t forget to check out Ms. D’s Twitter feed, as I try to put up quick photos of our daily adventures there.

Language Arts:

More coming soon on language arts this week, but so far we have done some warm-up writing in our journals and engaged in daily reflections about our learning. We have also reviewed basic parts of speech through fun Mad Libs, and we will spend time on sentence and paragraph structure this term! In reading, we will focus mainly on reading non-fiction carefully, both by underlining key words and taking clear notes. We also have a Reading Around the World Program that I hope everyone will participate in this year as you do your 20 minutes of reading every night! Prizes for those who complete continents and a yummy lunch for anyone who completes the whole thing! Good luck!

Okay, more to come, but…..

Too much for one entry, but more to come this week as we engage in more experiments, build some things, introduce the idea of Skill Share, meet new gerbils (yes, new gerbils!), do some fun research, and more!

Have a great week and don’t forget Terry Fox Run on Thursday!

Ms. D

Our New Unit: “It’s All in the Design”

Hello Everyone,

Students have already begun thinking about our first unit! Here are some details about how a unit works.

  • We have five units during the year, along with an independent project.
  • Units are trans-disciplinary and conceptual in nature, meaning all subjects are connected to one another through a key concept area. Concept areas are taken from universal themes, identified as key organizers of learning and life by researchers throughout the world.
  • Units have a title and a unit focus statement. We post the unit focus on the board so we can refer to it and think about how our activities are related to proving or elaborating upon the statement.
  • At the beginning of the unit, we go over the areas of inquiry and subjects that will be discussed so students understand how subjects will all be integrated and connected.
  • Questions are encouraged about the unit, and we post these on our Wonderings Board.
  • Unit work involves both learning activities and projects designed to show our knowledge. The unit is also ended with checking in questions to ensure everyone understood the content presented. 
  • We use our black journals to record our thinking and written tasks from the unit, so all of our thoughts can be found in one place. The blue binder holds all subject handouts except for math. The red binder holds math handouts.

Here are details about our first unit of the year:

Title:  It’s All in the Design


Unit Focus Statement:  
The structure of something is designed to serve the needs of the user.

Areas of Inquiry:

  • Where we find structure (buildings, organizations, hierarchies, body systems, etc.)
  • Anatomy and function (looking at the eye, skeleton, animal skeletons and how they are designed to serve the animal along with other adaptations)
  • Using shape and form in art (elements and principles/sculpture)
  • Where French is spoken in the world and why
  • Effective structure in architecture (geometry, shapes, measurement, etc.)
  • How science knowledge is related to structure and design choices (matter, chemistry, energy, forces)
  • Effective writing structure (parts of speech, sentence structure, paragraphing)
  • Community structures (history of BC and resource-based communities)

Some more information about MATH:

As we look at the concept of STRUCTURE, we will ask deeper questions about the structure of mathematics. For example: What are the different kinds of numbers? Why is math organized the way it is? How does looking for patterns help us better understand multiplication and division? 

We do not have one textbook to work out of in math. Instead, students will be completing activities from multiple sources. Some of our deeper thinking around numeracy, patterns, and how the brain understands math will come from the work of Jo Boaler at Stanford University. We will explore a variety of math games such as Prime Climb, Math Fluxx, and Sumoku, which will allow us to have fun and employ critical thinking strategies while using math from math curricular content and competencies.

Students will be receiving a list of mini projects and tasks to complete independently or in small groups. The list will have a due date; however, it is meant to provide lots of choice (as activities do not have to be completed in order), and students can work at their own pace within the larger deadline.

Today, I sent home a sample of Jo Boaler’s work we are doing. Please understand this kind of math may not have one right answer! Students are encouraged to think about the math they are doing and explore grade-level concepts with an added layer of depth and complexity. While all students are doing the same tasks, the activities are high-ceiling and low-floor — meaning students at grade level can do them, and those who are working above grade level can extend their thinking.

After the unit ends, we will do a math project! More information to come on that soon! 

Looking forward to the great thinking students will do during this unit!

Ms. D

RUMBLEBOTS! And a few reminders!

Hello Everyone!

Today we did an activity designed to teach us about energy transfer! The challenge was to build a mini bot that can travel down a track, using vibrations as its only power source!

Everyone is welcome to continue working on these bots at home! We will have a grand race tomorrow to see who designed the fastest rumblebot to go down Ms. D’s vibrator raceway!

For information on the challenge, as it was presented by another elementary teacher in MAKE Magazine, please see:

Other Reminders:

  • Please pay for agendas online, $5, and return the notice.
  • Please pay for supplies online, $30, and return the notice.
  • If you want to be a classroom lunchtime monitor, please return the yellow form.
  • Please bring a picture of yourself doing something outside of the classroom (real picture, printed one, colour or black and white.)
  • Did you turn in your letter, social media consent, and parent questionnaire?
  • Have mom and dad sign your agenda tonight!

More to come on our new unit in a separate post!

Have a great night!

Ms. D

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