Good Morning! Monday, April 6th Post #1 of 3

Good Morning, Everyone!

I hope you all had a nice weekend! Most importantly, I hope you did something that wasn’t in front of a screen. I went to the Pacific Spirit Forest this weekend for a walk. It is one of the regional parks in Vancouver that is still open. There were not many people, as there are so many trails everyone can be spread out, so physical distancing was easier. We also enjoyed the sunshine on our patio. So did my plants! They are all starting to show more green. I hope you were able to get some fresh air, too, and have calm time with your families.

THANK YOU to everyone who has learned how to post their assignments in Microsoft Teams. If you haven’t done this, please take some time today to figure it out or ask me questions about it, so you will be able to send me your assignments. Three assignments were due to be posted, two on Friday and one today.

Each day I will post a video message, but it may not always be in the morning. For example, today I have a meeting, so I will post something later today.

Please continue to work on the categories. An update of the category suggestions and assignments will come later today on the blog. So, in the meantime, please continue with options I provided last week, plus today’s assignment — see below.

I will be scheduling one on one video conferences with you. Starting tomorrow afternoon I will be gradually meeting with all of you, so look for a meeting invite in your email box. If the time doesn’t work, then you can let me know and we will schedule a different time between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. I look forward to talking with you about how you are feeling, what you would like to work on, and your independent project.

I am turning on MS Teams again for comments, but there are now two tabs. The General tab is for Ms. D to post announcements, important questions, or information. The Connect with Classmates tab is for you to ask questions of the whole group. Use the GOLDEN RULE when posting in either section. Please avoid one-word reactions such as ok, sure, or LOL. Just use the emoji reactions for that (they are located on the three dots at the far right of any comment made, just roll your cursor over the far right end of any comment.) Please be kind and be critical thinkers as you post. Help us find positive ways to connect. Ask people what they are doing! Answer my random questions!

Pen Pals Assignment, due Thursday, April 9th. Your first assignment this week is to connect with someone by writing them a letter in email. Write 3 paragraphs.

  • Start the letter with Dear _______,   Note I used a comma, as this is a personal letter. Then skip a space.
  • The first paragraph will ask them how they are doing and tell them how you are spending each day. 5-8 sentences. Skip a space.
  • The second paragraph will tell them something funny that happened to you once, and then invite the person to share something funny with you. 5-8 sentences. Skip a space.
  • The third paragraph will tell them what you would do the next time our class is all together or you can have a real play date with someone. Then, ask the person what they would do. 5-8 sentences.
  • Finally, sign off by saying I hope to hear from you soon and include a salutation.
  • Edit your letter before sending. Send it to the person in email, and then CC me (putting Ms. D in the second line of the addresses) so I know you have sent it and can see the letter.

Here are the match ups. Each person writes the other person.

Ayden — Nihal

Warren — Ambrose

Carl — Charles

Mia — Abhinanda

Victoria — Mavis

Dasha — Shera

Joone — Lucia

Michael — Leo

Stella — Danie

Sasha — Yichen

Ella — Ninad — Stephanie
(Ella writes Ninad, Ninad write to Stephanie, Stephanie writes to Ella)

More to come! I look forward to your letters.  🙂

Ms. D

More Online Reading and Research Resources 4/2, #2 of 3

Hello Everyone,

If you go to the Suncrest Website, you can find free Burnaby District reading and research resources through our library. In order to get the free access, you need to access it through the Suncrest Website portal. Here is how:

  1. Go to the Suncrest Website
  2. On the top menu, select LIBRARY, and then select WEB RESOURCES
  3. On the WEB RESOURCES page, put a check in the box before “Grades 4-7”
  4. Click on any of the resources you see for Grades 4-7
  5. You will need a USER ID and PASSWORD, which is the same for any of the resources listed. I can’t post it publicly, but I will send it to you in email.

You will see one of the options is TUMBLEBOOKS, which is another reading site. I can’t create a class group with suggestions, so you will just have to search on your own. I suggest going to the search tool at the top right of the TUMBLEBOOKS home page, searching for EBOOKS under types of books, and then filtering your choices according to reading level, so you get the most challenging books.

You will also find research resources such as WORLD BOOK, along with EXPLORA, which had many cool things to read and learn about on a variety of topics. We will need these resources when doing unit work, and you may also find things relevant to your Independent Project Research.

Happy reading!! And look for my email to you with the password.

Ms. D

Reading Around the World 4/2 #1 of 3

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your patience as we get everything set up on MS Teams. If anyone is unable to view my videos from the Morning Message or is unable to log in to TEAMS, please let me know via email right away. This week is really about making sure everyone is set up so we can move forward.

Now, I want to talk about READING AROUND THE WORLD!

So, you all had a Reading Around the World Challenge Booklet that I provided earlier this year. Some of the books will be hard to find now that you don’t have immediate access to a library or the school. So, I am going to start giving you reading assignments using the online library EPIC.

  1.  Go to EPIC website.
  2. Click on the blue LOG IN button at the top right
  3. Click on the blue STUDENTS & EDUCATORS button in the middle of the screen
  4. Put in our CLASS CODE under the STUDENT LOG in, on the left side (I will email you the code)
  5. Choose your NAME on the next screen
  6. Go to MAILBOX to look for assigned books I have picked for you to read
  7. Click on a book, then once it loads, press the HEART button to add it to your reading list.
  8. As you read, I will be able to see your progress. Thus, we can continue with READING AROUND THE WORLD!

You are also able to add any other books you want to your favourites list.  You can also search for books. I hope this provides us with another tool for reading, as I know many of you have used up your resources at home.


Ms. D

Morning Message Each Day 4/1

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are doing well today! In the shared Google album link I sent to you in email, I have added a Morning Message for you. Each day, I will try to post a message for you.

If you haven’t responded to your Outlook email from school yet, please do that so I know you are reading my emails. Many thanks!

I am looking at how we can get connected via video conferencing, but in the meantime, we can connect on Microsoft Teams using the messages on our main page or “channel” as it is called. Make sure you check the feed for our class there. Please let me know if you can’t access it.

Our main goal this week? Finish the 3 basic assignments I posted, and then use your schedule from one of those assignments to some of the activities listed. Submit your assignments and e-port entries, and you will receive responses from me showing I saw it! I am loving the e-port entries so far, and thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I will be asking you about your schedule in a future e-port, so please make sure you are creating something you can use daily, so you get a routine going for yourself!

I hope you are all having a good day, and please don’t hesitate to contact me about ANYTHING. I am here to help support you and also to listen if you need it.

With kindness,

Ms. D

New Unit Information and Beginning Brainstorm 3/31, #3 of 3

Hello Everyone,

Hopefully you have already read the last two blog posts, you found MS Teams online, and you are getting ready for our distance learning by getting set up at home. Please let me know via email or on the TEAMS general conversation page if you have any questions.

Yes, we will be doing a new unit! You will have to imagine our UNIT WALL, but here is the info for you to start thinking about.

Unit Focus Statement:

Humans create a variety of systems and tools to get their needs and wants met.

This will be an inquiry into:

  • The nature of needs versus wants
  • Our use and management of natural resources (renewable and non-renwable)
  • Systems we create to get our needs and wants met
  • Government systems
  • How we use scientific information to get our needs and wants met (Rocks and Minerals, Geology, Geography, Chemistry)
  • Basics of Economics and trade here and around the world
  • Financial Literacy, Proportionate Reasoning, Budgeting
  • French-speaking countries in the world

Core Competency Focus:

Critical Thinking

Your Questions:

Assignment # 3 is going to be making a chart. Can you make a T chart in MS Word or any other program you can save and upload, using the Microsoft tools you have online, that will show things you think are needs versus wants in this world? Can you do this in collaboration with someone from class by contacting them via phone or via email? (Remember, you have everyone’s emails in Outlook, you just need to be sure you know a person’s first and last name.)

Due by next Monday, April 6th

How to Access Microsoft Teams 3/31, #2 of 3

Hello Everyone,

Your next task is to get in to Microsoft Teams successfully, so we can all meet in the same place. First, read this entire blog post carefully!

How can I get to Microsoft Teams?

  • Log in to your One Drive account at home.
  • If you look up in the top left corner, you will see a small grid of dots. Click on it.
  • There will be a menu of O365 Apps (Applications). Click on “All Apps”
  • Choose the app called TEAMS (it has a purple icon/symbol)
  • A new screen will come up for TEAMS, click on O-365 Suncrest Division 5 Team
  • Scroll to the top of the GENERAL page to see my posts there from the start.

What can you do in the program Microsoft Teams?

  • You can have a group written conversation on a topic or ask questions on the main page GENERAL section by replying to prompts Ms. D puts up on that page. Make sure you are on topic. Scroll through the page before you post a question. If you have a question for a specific member of the team, you can put an @ symbol in front of their name to address them, but it will be visible to everyone.
  • You can be in a video conference with any number of members from our class team. Ms. D has to lead those meetings and send you an invite to join.
  • You can see your assignments on the assignments tab at the top.
  • You can upload your assignments using the assignments tab, and then it will show me you are done with something I assigned.

Submitting assignments:

  • For our first assignment on the e-port, finish the e-port entry. Then, view your post online. Copy the LINK to your e-port entry that is in the address bar of your browser. Then, paste the LINK in the assignments part of TEAMS. Press submit and it will show me you are done!
  • ALL assignments on the eport can be done that way.
  • If the assignment is something else, like MAKING YOUR SCHEDULE AND TAKING A PICTURE OF IT, which is assignment #2, then you can upload a photo and submit it under that assignment.
  • Questions, ask Ms. D.

What MS Teams is NOT:

  • It is not a hangout where we chat at any time — it is for school.
  • It is viewed by everyone, visible by myself and District people, so please use the Golden Rule.
  • It is not a place to put spam like tons of pictures and random messages that are not on topic. It will ruin our ability to communicate learning together, so please don’t do it.
  • It is not perfect — there will be some hiccups along the way, but we will be patient with the technology and make sure it works for us.  Thank you for your cooperation and collaboration so we can make distance learning work!

Okay, go check it out! If you have problems accessing it, let me know.

Ms. D

Please read: Video Conferencing Tips 3/31 #1 of 2

Hello Everyone,

I am so glad to see many of you have already written your e-port on Documenting History. I hope you are also setting up a schedule for yourself using the six categories I gave you. I will be sending you emails to show you how I am doing each of the categories, too!

Our next task will be getting everyone set up in Microsoft Teams and connecting via videoconferencing.

Please read these tips about video conferencing and communicating as we begin working together online.

What makes a quality video during a video conference?

  • Find a space in your home where direct light will not be streaming IN to the camera, because then you will be washed out when we see you.
  • Figure out what will be behind you when you video conference with us. It is best to have a blank, less busy, or neutral background. Look at the videos I send later today as an example.
  • If you can put a light behind your computer, so light is shining on your face, that is a good idea. But, make sure it isn’t too bright. Natural light is the best, so facing toward an open window is great.
  • Your video screen needs to have your face and shoulders in the shot. Prop up your device so it can be at the right level for this.
  • Get dressed and make yourself presentable! Pajamas are cool, but maybe not in a video conference.
  • Look at the camera while you are speaking, NOT at the picture of you on the screen or the picture of the person. It is hard, but do your best!
  • Make sure you have your device set up so it doesn’t move. Put it on a table or make something it can prop up against so you don’t have to touch it.
  • Find a private space as best as possible, or at least let everyone in your house know you will be on a call.

What is proper etiquette during a video conference?

  • When you log in, start by making sure your audio is muted and video off.
  • Remember, the person who called the meeting is the leader in charge, like the person who is the chair of a class meeting.
  • Wait until the meeting leader says it is time to give your input. Until then, keep your microphone on MUTE.
  • When you would like to speak, raise your hand and be recognized by the leader to speak before you turn on your microphone.
  • Only one person speaks at a time.
  • Remember, we can see what you are doing. Don’t do anything that will distract from the meeting.
  • Remember, we all need to be respectful and courteous. Be kind, understand that this tool is new to many people, and be patient when the technology doesn’t work.
  • Go to the bathroom before a conference call. Don’t ask to go to the bathroom during the conference call. If you have an urgent situation, leave the call, and then you can rejoin later.
  • Please don’t take video or snap photos during the conference call of your screen, etc. We don’t take pictures of or record one another without permission.
  • Do not “chat” during the meeting using a sidebar. That isn’t any better than the sidebar conversations we have during class. Do your best to listen to the entire conversation.

Chatting with one another in EMAIL or on MS Teams:

  • When you send emails to one another or to Ms. D, think about how we are trying to support one another with kind words.
  • Think about the tone of what you are writing, and ask if it is respectful or the write kind of writing for the audience you are speaking to.
  • Avoid using a bunch of emojis. A quick smiley face is great! A whole sentence made out of 10 emojis is sometimes annoying, as it doesn’t really say anything to me. Use words.
  • Use a greeting and salutation, or ask how the person is doing before immediately asking the person for something in email.
  • Use pleases and thank yous. It helps with the tone of your mail and people will want to help you more.
  • Don’t attach documents and videos in mail. Use other ways, such as sharing documents in One Drive with one another, or using links to photos in a shared album like Ms. D will do.
  • Remember that we are still in school when we are learning in an electronic environment, even though you are physically at home.
  • Remember the Golden Rule we discussed in class.

Okay, if you have read and you understand this, then take a moment now to find a videoconferencing space that will work best for you. 

Thank you,

Ms. D


IMPORTANT: Structure Your Day 3/30, #3 of 3

Hello Division 5,

It is hard to be learning at home without any structure. Even I have found that hard! I mean, sure, we could stay in bed until 12 PM, watch movies all afternoon, and then make dinner…..but, then I feel like a marshmallow on the couch, and I have a hard time getting rid of my anxious energy and going to sleep!

So, one of the teachers I follow on Twitter, who also loves project-based learning, recommended a way to schedule the day.

We will be using this to help schedule our days of distance learning together. Here is how it works:

  1. Every day, you will have a choice of activities to do in six categories.
  2. You may do the categories in any order, as long as you do all of them.
  3. Tasks need to be done for the amount of time given.
  4. Select any activity from the list under each category. Don’t repeat activities, unless you are finishing an activity from the previous day. It is good to finish what you start before moving on.
  5. Complete tasks at any point in the day between the time you get up to the time you go to sleep. Talk with Mom and Dad about the best schedule. Maybe from 9 AM to 3PM, so you stay in school hours.
  6. You can provide suggestions to add to each category, too! Just email me your suggestions to add to the coming week’s list.
  7. Some tasks are mandatory and some are optional. Mandatory tasks need to be completed by end of day Friday of each week, and I have put them in italics. 
  8. Our first week, we will just try this out. Second week, Ms. D will provide instructions about how to document the choices you made, as I would like to be able to give you feedback on how you are using your time.
  9. I recommend making posters or a schedule to put on your fridge.
  10. Ms. D will be doing this, too! Parents are welcome to participate.
  11. I will add options as we go along and re-post each week.

Here are the categories:

MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)  Do something creative! Make something new! Take a picture of it to document your work!

FITNESS HOUR (60 Minutes) Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

INDIE READING (30 minutes) Reading, preferably offline but if you are out of books and need to go online, at least not news or current events articles.

  • Build a fort with a blanket over a table or chairs and do some reading under it
  • On, if you have the Kindle App, there are lots of free books to read
  • With your library card, check out online resources for Burnaby or Vancouver Public Libraries
  • Use Audible for free right now to listen to tons of online audible stories.
  • Use the Burnaby School District’s Tumblebooks Account to access books online. Press the ebooks tab at the top.
  • Ms. D is looking for more options!

SERVICE (30 minutes) Clean and help!

  • Unload or load the dishwasher
  • Sweep or vacuum the house
  • Call a grandparent, family member, or friend to help them feel connected during this time of isolation
  • Help with the laundry — loading, folding, putting things away
  • Dust the house or blinds
  • Clean windows
  • Help with the garbage or compost runs
  • Clean off counters
  • Wipe doorknobs and high-touch spaces with cleaner
  • Take care of a pet
  • Clean the toilet
  • Organize recycling
  • Watch your younger sibling so your parents can have a break

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

UNIT, NUMERACY, LITERACY HOUR (60 minutes) Specific learning opportunities at our grade level or connected to our unit….more to come.

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D

What Has Your Break Been Like? 3/30, #2 of 3

Hello Division 5,

As I said in my last post, our main focus for this first week together in our new distance learning environment will be finding connection with one another AND finding structure. Our learning together now will not look like what we did in the classroom, because that is impossible. We can’t turn the awesomeness of MACC into an online course. But, we can do many, many things, and maybe we will come up with new creative ways to work together.

We will still use our E-Portfolios, and that is a good thing!

Assignment #1: Documenting History

So, these are historic times. Schools closed all over the world, no travel, businesses shut down, and our world turned a bit upside down. It is okay to feel anxious, bored, lonely, or upset. I know I have. It is also great that some of you have found creative and positive ways to use this time, either doing projects independently or just spending time with your families. This has been very important for my own health, as I found ways to keep myself mentally and physically active during the break. It is also helpful to talk or to write about how you feel, so that our feelings get out of our heads and on to the paper.

You may want to document this time in a journal! Most historians are recommending everyone take notes about what they are experiencing, feeling, and doing during this time.

This is how historians put together our past stories, through the journal writing of the people who experienced the past. I remember when I wanted to learn about the Titanic, the diaries and journals of some of the passengers were fascinating!

So, here are some questions for your E-PORT to think about this week, as you become an official historian of 2020. Remember, the more detail and descriptive vocabulary you provide, the better a person reading your entry will understand exactly what it was like for you during the last two weeks.

Title:  Documenting History


  1. What has it been like for you during spring break? How did your daily life change because of the health recommendations?
  2. What did you think about this last week? What questions do you have? (Be as specific as you can.)
  3. How are you feeling about what is going on right now? (Be more descriptive than just “bored”?)
  4. If you felt anxious, upset, restless, or emotional, did you use any self-regulation strategies to help you?
  5. How did you use the time over the last two weeks?

Please include a picture of one of these things:

  1. something you made
  2. a picture of you doing one of your chosen activities during the last two weeks
  3. your view from your window
  4. something you could see during a trip outside for fresh air

I look forward to seeing what you have to say!

Ms. D

Making Connections and Checking In, 3/30 #1 of 3

Hello Division 5 Students,

I’ve now had the chance to check in with most of you via email, and I was so glad to hear from all of you! It will be so strange not to see all of you in class, but I know we will find ways to connect with one another! If you need someone to talk to, I will always respond to mail. From talking with many of you, I can see our greatest need is having connection with one another AND having some structure to our day. So, we will work on those things first.


It will take Ms. D some time to get some things set up for your learning at home, so please be patient. But, here are some questions I can answer for everyone:

  • Will there be independent project still? — Yes, and I will adjust requirements so we can all continue our work and present our research to the community. It will just look different this year! Stay tuned for a blog post specifically about Independent Project.
  • Will we use ZOOM? — No, sorry. But, we will be using MS Teams, which is a tool you can access through Office 365 or your One Drive account. Stay tuned. We will be making connection this way, but I am waiting to make sure we all have access to our school email accounts and that everyone has the tools they need at home to be able to participate. I also am just taking time to make sure everyone is okay during this very strange time at home!
  • How are the gerbils? — They are great! They are in my son’s old bedroom, and I sent you all a video of the two of them in your Outlook email.
  • Will we be doing online learning? — Sort of. Some of the learning will be online, but there will also be some things you can do without a computer. We all need to be careful we don’t spend all day on the computer, too. But, don’t worry, there will be things for you to do!
  • When can I get in touch with you? — I will be working at home on school things between 9AM and 3PM, with our regular lunch time. So, generally if you ask me a question during that time, I will get back to you pretty quickly! I don’t mind talking about anything, okay? So, don’t hesitate to contact me.
  • Will we still do our units? The answer is yes. It will look different, as there are some things we can’t do without being in person. But, we will all do our best to make it a great learning experience!
  • When do we start? — You have two things to do today — please see the next two posts for assignments. Always read my blog posts in order, from the earliest one you see to the latest. That may mean you need to scroll down, okay? Make sure you have read everything that is new.

More questions, please email me! I look forward to hearing from all of you.

With kindness,

Ms. D

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