February 29th Update

Hi everyone! It’s Vlad here.

Writing Workshop: Today we talked about words that we could use instead of “said”, that could be more specific, as we practiced using quotations. We also did some work on the narrative about the immigrant we chose. We need to use dialogue with quotations in our writing. We also went over the elements of a good story and the story arch.

LA Reading: After recess, we read a lot of chapters in the Lemoncello book. We are almost done! We talked about our last reading power of TRANSFORM. Tomorrow we will finish and then start our lit circle books in small groups.

ART and PE:  After lunch, we drew some buildings from a certain perspective for art, and for PE, we did some physical exercise outside and played some trust games with partners.

ASSEMBLY:  We ended the day by going to a celebration of learning and see some presentations done by Division 1.

For homework:
1.Respond to the question coming up at the end of my blog entry
2.Do some work on the narrative, thinking about the story arch

1.Bring your library books tomorrow for library day!
2.Hot lunch forms due tomorrow

We also received a yellow newsletter today about what’s happening in March

The question: What are the 6 simple machines (the gear is not one of them)?

Have a good night everyone!