End of Week Check In May 18th

Hello Everyone,

Here is a check in for everyone about what we are working on. This isn’t everything, but just an overview of some of the key items so you keep on track. Thank you!

E-Port Check In on Connection (overdue)
Map of Ecoprovinces Handout (due by Friday May 19)
Animal Research in Journal (we will check in on May 19)
Discussion on Symbiosis and Notes in Journal (done in class)
VARC Presentation on Curious Crows (done Tuesday May 16)
E-Port on VARC Presentation and Symbiosis (due Thursday, May 25)

Language Arts:
Greek/Latin Tasks (overdue)
AutoBio Poem in Journal (overdue)
Questions Poem in Journal (overdue)
List of Facts Poem in Journal (overdue)
Things I Like/Dislike  and   Mixed Senses Poems  (overdue)
Alliteration List ABCs and Poem (due Tuesday, May 23)
Ode (due Tuesday, May 23)
Lyrics Rewrite (due Tuesday, May 23)
Reading of Skeleton Tree Novel (done in class)

Measurement Handout (overdue)
Origami Hummingbird and Notes in Journal on Geometry – Origami Math (done in class)
Tricky Triangles Handout, Making a triangle and using it for art (done in class)
Planet Earth Math (ongoing, in class on EPIC or using handouts in school only)

Independent Project:
Notes, digital or journal (overdue)
Bibliography  (due May 31 to Ms. D in email)
Primary Research Documents (due May 31 to Ms. D in email)
Handouts (due June 8th)
Presentation Items (due June 9th so we can check in before presentation day)
Reflection on E-Port (due June 15th)


Core Competency Reflection (due June 15th)