Independent Project Update May 3rd

Hello Everyone!

Independent Project Presentations are June 12th! That time is coming up soon, so we are moving into the next phase of our preparations. Here are the next steps:

  1.  NOTES TO MS. D:  Notes should be done at this time. Clean up your notes and save them to the link Ms. D will email you for “One Drive Independent Project Notes and Documents”, or show them to me if you have them in your journal. As discussed, taking notes and documenting your research is a major part of your mark for this project.
    1. If you did a lab experiment, make sure you have done a write up for it using the scientific method.
    2. If you conducted an interview, create a document with the questions and answers from it. Include your interview in your bibliography.
    3. If you did a visit or observation of something, then document it with pictures and notes in a MS Word document.
    4.  If you did a model or project, take pictures of the model as it is being developed, and document your process with a reflection in MS Word.
    1. Today we went over how to do a bibliography and how to document a book, website, encyclopedia, interview, image, or graph.
    2.  Please go through your notes and begin to put these into a bibliography on MS Word.
    3.  Don’t forget to use a hanging indent.
    4.  Label the bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY along with the TITLE of your topic and your NAME.
    5.  Bibliography entries are presented in alphabetical order, from A – Z.
    1.  We brainstormed presentation ideas in class. There are many options.
    2.  YOU MAY NOT MAKE A POSTER. I will not be giving out posterboard for this project. But, you can make anything that will easily stand on a table. We don’t have enough wall space or locations to hang posters.
    3.  You can have a trifold, but it is not required. Trifolds are not available at the school, but there are options at dollar stores, Staples, and Michaels. It isn’t required to spend money on one, though. Find some big pieces of cardboard, bend it into three sections, and we can cover with large paper found here at the school.
    4.  Your project needs something visual to look at and something to read.
    5.  Your project display will include a copy of your bibliography (not your notes.)
    6.  People like to interact with things when they visit you — your experiment, handouts, a game, a slideshow on PowerPoint, pictures on your trifold, a model, etc.
    7.  If you create a handout such as a word find, crossword, ZINE, brochure, please do it in black and white, and Ms. D is happy to make copies for you so you can hand them out to everyone who is coming. Deadline to request photocopies is June 8th in the morning.
    8.  Space provided during presentations will depend on how much you have for stuff! So, you may get a small individual desk, or a half table, or have to share a table with others. We will work out logistics of that as soon as I see what people have created.
    9.  You may use a laptop or iPad if you have a slideshow or PowerPoint. Your PowerPoint can have research written in it, but do not have it as the only way to communicate information to the public, as it won’t get read on presentation day.
    10.  Any item you make, take a picture of it and label it. Ms. D will be asking for any digital items you have to post on the BLOG to share with the public beyond our in-person event.
    11.  Supplies. Request supplies ASAP from Ms. D so she can help you get what you need to make this project happen! I have art stuff you can use, and the school has paper. We just don’t have trifolds.
  5.  Reflection and Marking:  After your project is done, you will post an e-port entry about how it went for you, in class on June 13th. Ms. D will then respond to that e-port with comments about how the project went for you. I have a general rubric for the project to share with you, but we have talked about key criteria:
    1.  Must have documented research notes
    2.  Must show questions you have asked
    3.  Must have a list of resources and a bilbiography showing you spent time on the project, worthy of the research time you have been given since end of January
    4.  Must have primary research option
    5.  Presentation must include some writing and visuals
    6.  Project must have a completed reflection, where you talk about what went well, what you learned, and what you would do for the next time.

Time will be given in class, but now is an important time to ensure you have time carved out at home to work quietly on things you may not be able to finish in class. Please bring things to class you are working on, as I will be giving you class time, and you need something to work on!

Do not do the entire project at home, as then I cannot see you have done the work yourself, and you will be bored or distracting others during our project work periods.

I look forward to supporting you with this event and presentation!

Ms. D