Social Thinking and Me Chapter 5: Thinking With Your Eyes


Before the break we went over Chapter 5 of Social Thinking and Me, called Thinking With Your Eyes. Here is the summary of key points covered so you can review at home, as well.



  1.  When I am with other people, it’s always important to think with my eyes. This means to look around where I am, notice the people I am with, and notice what’s going on.
  2.  There are many reasons to think with my eyes. Doing this can help me:
    1.  Be safe
    2.  Figure out what people are doing and why
    3.  Figure out what I am supposed to be doing in a situation
    4.  Let others know I am interested in them
    5.  Let others know I am paying attention
  3.  When I take time to think with my eyes in a situation, I am observing and learning to use social detective skills.
  4. There are all sorts of things I can do once I can think with my eyes. I can:
    1.  start a conversation with someone
    2.  make a guess about another person’s plan
    3.  figure out how someone is feeling
    4.  figure out what I should be doing or not doing!
  5. Thinking with my eyes is not something I do just once, and then I am done. It is a strategy I use throughout the day and anywhere I am: at school, at home, during recess and breaks, at the mall, or anywhere else I find myself.

Be observant, and then be a critical thinker, using the information you have observed to inform your actions!

Practice noticing what people are doing, feeling, and saying at home or when you are out with your family, to see what you can pick up about what to do or say next.