Museum of Vancouver Virtual Field Trip Resources

Hello Everyone:

Please use the following resources for our activities related to the Museum of Vancouver Virtual Field Trip on January 25th, Monday.

Virtual Vancouver History Gallery (to use before program)

Virtual Cesna?em Gallery (to use during program)

These websites are for the POST FIELD TRIP ACTIVITY on Reconciliation

Case Study #1

Prehistoric Sculpture Returned to Sechelt Band

Stone Statue Return Stirs Sechelt Hearts

Museum of Vancouver Sechelt Repatriation News Release

Case Study #2

Haida to Bring Home Ancestors Bones

Haida Repatriation Committee Official Website

Relationship Between Museums and Aboriginal Peoples

Case Study #3

UBC Indigenous Foundations Totem Poles

Museum of Anthropology UBC Conservation of Totem Poles

Changing Approaches to the Preservation of Totem Poles (academic article)

Case Study #4

Anger over Sculpture Resembling Burial Scaffolds

First Nation Wants Controversial Sculpture by New York Artist Taken Down

Perspectives of Artist Del Geist