Additional Resources for Discrimination in Canada

Hello Everyone,

We began watching In the Shadow of Gold Mountain in class, which is about the Chinese Head Tax. You can watch the rest of the video at the National Film Board site, here.

We also watched this video about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, narrated by Chief Robert Joseph and sharing his own experiences with Residential Schools.

Here are some of the ways you can help with Reconciliation, with this list from CBC, posted as part of National Indigenous History Month last June 2020. There are many examples of personal acts you can take to help, such as educating oneself about Indigenous issues through books and videos.

Here is the Government of Canada website on What is Reconciliation?

As part of Black Shirt Day, which is on Friday, January 15th, we are wearing black shirts in support of peoples of colour and civil rights, acknowledging the systemic racism that happens in our communities and taking steps to educate ourselves about it. It is especially important this week as Martin Luther King Day is also this week, which is an acknowledgement of all the work Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights. Here is a video we watched in class to learn more.

I will continue to add to this post as I find more resources.