Activities and Assignments June 1 – June 5

Activities Update for Week of June 1 – June 5

  • This list is also available on MS Teams in the General Channel.
  • Assignments are the same no matter whether you are at school physically or continuing with remote learning.
  • If you are at school, please bring your own electronic device.
  • Please be aware responses may be delayed on Monday and Tuesday each week in June, as Ms. D is physically at school. But, please do ask questions and send me emails if you need me!
  • TOP PRIORITY Report Card Reflection, IP, MACC MALL, PODCAST. Monitor deadlines. Do these things before anything else.


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! 

Need to Do:

  • ADST/LA/Public Speaking – PODCAST:  Write, practice, and record your Podcast, with a commercial for your MACC Mall Product. When done, please finish rubric reflection for assessment. See MS Teams. Recordings due June 8th.
  • ADST/LA/Public Speaking – MACC Mall: You will need to present your product to the Shark Tank. Write and practice your speech. See assignment on MS Teams. Be ready to present by June 10th & prototypes are now OVERDUE. Please submit a picture of your creation ASAP.
  • ART/Photography: A new assignment to play with photography will be posted each week through June. Finish them as you have time. This week: Make a Selfie Photography. Post photos to your E-PORT and MS Teams to share. Ms. D is making a slideshow gallery of all the best photos. All photos due June 19th.

Optional Choices:

  • Watercolour Art at Home: Try these 8 techniques for doing watercolour at home.  Optional assignment and explanation is in MS Teams.
  • Baking Soda Crystals: Try making some crystals at home. Link and instructions in MS Teams.
  • See Optional Daily Activities Page  – a specific page for extra activity ideas.
  • Music: Visit Ms. Fletcher’s Music Blog for ideas about making music.


Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Physical Health – Heart Workout: Pick one fitness activity each day, either of your own or from the optional choices list, that gets your heart rate up! If you are at school, Ms. D may need to give you guidelines for this so we can do it safely.
  • Personal Awareness – Be calm: Use the APP CALM.  Find a quiet space, put on nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do deep breathing to calm yourself.

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 

Read something fun and avoid news/current events.

Need to Do:

  • LA:  Read 30 minutes for fun, relaxation, or learning each day!
  • READ Unit Material on EPIC: Read the book A Fair Deal: Shopping for Social Justice. Add your thoughts to MS Teams and class discussions, as we continue to look at how the world gets its needs and wants met.
  • Monday/Tuesday Read Aloud 2:30 – 3:00: Ms. D will read poetry, short stories, knock knock jokes, and other books. This will be only for the eight days I am in the classroom with a mix of students from Div. 5 and Div. 6. Link to join is on MS Teams under the General Channel.
  • Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Read Aloud 2:30 – 3:00: We will continue with The Inquisitor’s Tale each day. Drop in, listen to the story! Afterwards ask questions or speak one-on-one with Ms. D if needed. Link to join is on MS Teams under the General Channel.

Optional Choices:

SERVICE and CONNECTION (30 minutes) 

Clean and help others! Connect with classmates and family. Play! Be kind! 

Need to Do:

  • ZOOM Meeting 10 AM Wednesday:  Connect as a whole class. Check in about projects. Ask questions. Share something you have learned.
  • Contribute to our MS Teams channels.  Do the math and writing challenges, or participate in word games and riddles, if they are available.
  • Connect with others!  Connect with a friend! Make sure you have contact with your class community and friends, which is important for your mental health!

Optional Choices:

  • See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • Do the class OPTIONAL BEST IN SHOW CHALLENGE! See MS Teams. Thank you to those who have already sent in entries! Now Due June 19th.

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 
Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:

  • IP Primary Research:  Finish primary research and post pictures and explanations on your e-port. See MS Teams. Extended, now due June 5th.
  • IP Bibliography:  See MS Teams Due June 5th.
  • IP Presentation: Everyone is creating something Ms. D can post electronically. See MS Teams for your rubric and reflection to fill out when done. All items must be sent to Ms. D by June 10th to be included in class display online.
  • Typing: Practice when other assignments are done. Now due June 24th.

Optional Choices:

  • See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks
  • Thinking about how to present your IP information? Learn how to use one of the Office 365 Tools. Here are tutorials on PowerPoint and other applications. Or, go try out Book Creator. Details for our class account are in your email.


Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • Unit Discussion, Small-Group Meeting: Please check email for scheduled meetings Wednesday – Friday.
  • PRIORITY — Report Card Reflection:  Take a moment to reflect on your work for the whole year. Complete the self-reflection document in MS Teams and send me a paragraph for your report. Also do an e-port entry on core competencies, which will be attached to your report card via internet link. Due June 5th, but it is appreciated if you finish it as soon as possible.
  • Socials/Science/Inquiry – Choice Research & 3 Slide PowerPoint: Finish research on unit topic of choice. Create 3 slides with info to share. Write a script and practice so you are prepared. See MS Teams. Due June 12th, but if your group is done earlier, please turn in the assignment and advise Ms. D, so I can schedule your group to present during a ZOOM or other online meeting.
  • LA- QUICK WRITE:  Choose topic, write, evaluate! See MS Teams. Due June 19th.
  • Socials/Science/LA – Geology/Resources/Economics: Each week I will post sections of online texts about geology, economics, and resources. Read and respond to questions on your e-port. Finish at your own pace. All due June 19th.
  • Math – IXL Financial Literacy and Decimals: Use IXL to do math related to decimals and financial literacy. Ongoing through June 19th.
  • Science – Ring of Fire! See MS Teams for activity about volcanoes and map coordinates. Due June 19th.
  • Math Financial Literacy Reading and Word Problems: Read the book “Follow the Money” on EPIC. Then, see MS Teams for a series of word problems in a folder for you to do. Ongoing through June 24th.
  • Unit Socials/Science – Earth School: Continue watching Earth School Videos that appear on TED ED. Ongoing through June 24th.

Optional Choices:

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D