Art Project: Photography, Objects Important To You April 6 Post #3 of 3

Hello Everyone,
The artist and photographer Gregg Segal did an interesting photography project called Daily Bread, in which he took pictures of children from around the world with all of the food they eat in a seven day period. Do some reading about him on his website, and also Google his name under images and you will see more examples. The pictures are great visual ways to quickly see what a child eats, both in terms of how much food they eat in seven days, and what kinds of cultural foods are their favourites!

The pictures are always done with the person laying down on their back, surrounded by foods, and on a solid, coloured background. Someone holds the camera above the person, so all of the objects and the full length of the person can be seen.

Your task will be different. I would like you to take a similar looking picture, taken from above, but I want the theme to be OBJECTS IMPORTANT TO ME OVER THE LAST THREE WEEKS AT HOME.

Here are the steps for this project:

  1. Do a brainstorm of all of the things that were important to you during this time at home. What kinds of things helped you get through this time? What could you  not live without? What snacks are important to you? What book is your favourite? Which toys are your favourite?
  2. Gather the objects together.
  3. Figure out how much space you need for your photo. While lying down on the ground, mark out a rectangular space for your picture around you. This way, you will know where objects can be placed.
  4. Lie down in the space, and arrange the objects in such a way that they can all be seen clearly by the viewer.
  5. You may also want to take a picture of you in your favourite comfy outfit. Try  not to do PJs, please, but fleece pants are okay. As long as it looks appropriate.
  6. Once the entire scene is set up, have a parent or sibling take a picture of you from above. Don’t go to them until you are all ready.
  7. Post the picture in your e-port with an explanation of some of the objects.
  8. Put the link to your finished e-port in MS Teams assignments so I know you are done.

Have questions? Please let me know!