Good Morning! Monday, April 6th Post #1 of 3

Good Morning, Everyone!

I hope you all had a nice weekend! Most importantly, I hope you did something that wasn’t in front of a screen. I went to the Pacific Spirit Forest this weekend for a walk. It is one of the regional parks in Vancouver that is still open. There were not many people, as there are so many trails everyone can be spread out, so physical distancing was easier. We also enjoyed the sunshine on our patio. So did my plants! They are all starting to show more green. I hope you were able to get some fresh air, too, and have calm time with your families.

THANK YOU to everyone who has learned how to post their assignments in Microsoft Teams. If you haven’t done this, please take some time today to figure it out or ask me questions about it, so you will be able to send me your assignments. Three assignments were due to be posted, two on Friday and one today.

Each day I will post a video message, but it may not always be in the morning. For example, today I have a meeting, so I will post something later today.

Please continue to work on the categories. An update of the category suggestions and assignments will come later today on the blog. So, in the meantime, please continue with options I provided last week, plus today’s assignment — see below.

I will be scheduling one on one video conferences with you. Starting tomorrow afternoon I will be gradually meeting with all of you, so look for a meeting invite in your email box. If the time doesn’t work, then you can let me know and we will schedule a different time between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. I look forward to talking with you about how you are feeling, what you would like to work on, and your independent project.

I am turning on MS Teams again for comments, but there are now two tabs. The General tab is for Ms. D to post announcements, important questions, or information. The Connect with Classmates tab is for you to ask questions of the whole group. Use the GOLDEN RULE when posting in either section. Please avoid one-word reactions such as ok, sure, or LOL. Just use the emoji reactions for that (they are located on the three dots at the far right of any comment made, just roll your cursor over the far right end of any comment.) Please be kind and be critical thinkers as you post. Help us find positive ways to connect. Ask people what they are doing! Answer my random questions!

Pen Pals Assignment, due Thursday, April 9th. Your first assignment this week is to connect with someone by writing them a letter in email. Write 3 paragraphs.

  • Start the letter with Dear _______,   Note I used a comma, as this is a personal letter. Then skip a space.
  • The first paragraph will ask them how they are doing and tell them how you are spending each day. 5-8 sentences. Skip a space.
  • The second paragraph will tell them something funny that happened to you once, and then invite the person to share something funny with you. 5-8 sentences. Skip a space.
  • The third paragraph will tell them what you would do the next time our class is all together or you can have a real play date with someone. Then, ask the person what they would do. 5-8 sentences.
  • Finally, sign off by saying I hope to hear from you soon and include a salutation.
  • Edit your letter before sending. Send it to the person in email, and then CC me (putting Ms. D in the second line of the addresses) so I know you have sent it and can see the letter.

Here are the match ups. Each person writes the other person.

Ayden — Nihal

Warren — Ambrose

Carl — Charles

Mia — Abhinanda

Victoria — Mavis

Dasha — Shera

Joone — Lucia

Michael — Leo

Stella — Danie

Sasha — Yichen

Ella — Ninad — Stephanie
(Ella writes Ninad, Ninad write to Stephanie, Stephanie writes to Ella)

More to come! I look forward to your letters.  🙂

Ms. D