More Online Reading and Research Resources 4/2, #2 of 3

Hello Everyone,

If you go to the Suncrest Website, you can find free Burnaby District reading and research resources through our library. In order to get the free access, you need to access it through the Suncrest Website portal. Here is how:

  1. Go to the Suncrest Website
  2. On the top menu, select LIBRARY, and then select WEB RESOURCES
  3. On the WEB RESOURCES page, put a check in the box before “Grades 4-7”
  4. Click on any of the resources you see for Grades 4-7
  5. You will need a USER ID and PASSWORD, which is the same for any of the resources listed. I can’t post it publicly, but I will send it to you in email.

You will see one of the options is TUMBLEBOOKS, which is another reading site. I can’t create a class group with suggestions, so you will just have to search on your own. I suggest going to the search tool at the top right of the TUMBLEBOOKS home page, searching for EBOOKS under types of books, and then filtering your choices according to reading level, so you get the most challenging books.

You will also find research resources such as WORLD BOOK, along with EXPLORA, which had many cool things to read and learn about on a variety of topics. We will need these resources when doing unit work, and you may also find things relevant to your Independent Project Research.

Happy reading!! And look for my email to you with the password.

Ms. D