Morning Message Each Day 4/1

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are doing well today! In the shared Google album link I sent to you in email, I have added a Morning Message for you. Each day, I will try to post a message for you.

If you haven’t responded to your Outlook email from school yet, please do that so I know you are reading my emails. Many thanks!

I am looking at how we can get connected via video conferencing, but in the meantime, we can connect on Microsoft Teams using the messages on our main page or “channel” as it is called. Make sure you check the feed for our class there. Please let me know if you can’t access it.

Our main goal this week? Finish the 3 basic assignments I posted, and then use your schedule from one of those assignments to some of the activities listed. Submit your assignments and e-port entries, and you will receive responses from me showing I saw it! I am loving the e-port entries so far, and thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I will be asking you about your schedule in a future e-port, so please make sure you are creating something you can use daily, so you get a routine going for yourself!

I hope you are all having a good day, and please don’t hesitate to contact me about ANYTHING. I am here to help support you and also to listen if you need it.

With kindness,

Ms. D