What Has Your Break Been Like? 3/30, #2 of 3

Hello Division 5,

As I said in my last post, our main focus for this first week together in our new distance learning environment will be finding connection with one another AND finding structure. Our learning together now will not look like what we did in the classroom, because that is impossible. We can’t turn the awesomeness of MACC into an online course. But, we can do many, many things, and maybe we will come up with new creative ways to work together.

We will still use our E-Portfolios, and that is a good thing!

Assignment #1: Documenting History

So, these are historic times. Schools closed all over the world, no travel, businesses shut down, and our world turned a bit upside down. It is okay to feel anxious, bored, lonely, or upset. I know I have. It is also great that some of you have found creative and positive ways to use this time, either doing projects independently or just spending time with your families. This has been very important for my own health, as I found ways to keep myself mentally and physically active during the break. It is also helpful to talk or to write about how you feel, so that our feelings get out of our heads and on to the paper.

You may want to document this time in a journal! Most historians are recommending everyone take notes about what they are experiencing, feeling, and doing during this time.

This is how historians put together our past stories, through the journal writing of the people who experienced the past. I remember when I wanted to learn about the Titanic, the diaries and journals of some of the passengers were fascinating!

So, here are some questions for your E-PORT to think about this week, as you become an official historian of 2020. Remember, the more detail and descriptive vocabulary you provide, the better a person reading your entry will understand exactly what it was like for you during the last two weeks.

Title:  Documenting History


  1. What has it been like for you during spring break? How did your daily life change because of the health recommendations?
  2. What did you think about this last week? What questions do you have? (Be as specific as you can.)
  3. How are you feeling about what is going on right now? (Be more descriptive than just “bored”?)
  4. If you felt anxious, upset, restless, or emotional, did you use any self-regulation strategies to help you?
  5. How did you use the time over the last two weeks?

Please include a picture of one of these things:

  1. something you made
  2. a picture of you doing one of your chosen activities during the last two weeks
  3. your view from your window
  4. something you could see during a trip outside for fresh air

I look forward to seeing what you have to say!

Ms. D