Making Connections and Checking In, 3/30 #1 of 3

Hello Division 5 Students,

I’ve now had the chance to check in with most of you via email, and I was so glad to hear from all of you! It will be so strange not to see all of you in class, but I know we will find ways to connect with one another! If you need someone to talk to, I will always respond to mail. From talking with many of you, I can see our greatest need is having connection with one another AND having some structure to our day. So, we will work on those things first.


It will take Ms. D some time to get some things set up for your learning at home, so please be patient. But, here are some questions I can answer for everyone:

  • Will there be independent project still? — Yes, and I will adjust requirements so we can all continue our work and present our research to the community. It will just look different this year! Stay tuned for a blog post specifically about Independent Project.
  • Will we use ZOOM? — No, sorry. But, we will be using MS Teams, which is a tool you can access through Office 365 or your One Drive account. Stay tuned. We will be making connection this way, but I am waiting to make sure we all have access to our school email accounts and that everyone has the tools they need at home to be able to participate. I also am just taking time to make sure everyone is okay during this very strange time at home!
  • How are the gerbils? — They are great! They are in my son’s old bedroom, and I sent you all a video of the two of them in your Outlook email.
  • Will we be doing online learning? — Sort of. Some of the learning will be online, but there will also be some things you can do without a computer. We all need to be careful we don’t spend all day on the computer, too. But, don’t worry, there will be things for you to do!
  • When can I get in touch with you? — I will be working at home on school things between 9AM and 3PM, with our regular lunch time. So, generally if you ask me a question during that time, I will get back to you pretty quickly! I don’t mind talking about anything, okay? So, don’t hesitate to contact me.
  • Will we still do our units? The answer is yes. It will look different, as there are some things we can’t do without being in person. But, we will all do our best to make it a great learning experience!
  • When do we start? — You have two things to do today — please see the next two posts for assignments. Always read my blog posts in order, from the earliest one you see to the latest. That may mean you need to scroll down, okay? Make sure you have read everything that is new.

More questions, please email me! I look forward to hearing from all of you.

With kindness,

Ms. D