Bird Migration Discussion & Backyard Bird Count!

As we dive into a discussion about bird migration, flyways, and more, here are some articles to read about how climate change and birds are linked. Plus, there is the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where you can find out how to download EBird and Merlin, two apps that are useful for identifying birds and for counting birds as part of the citizen science Backyard Bird Count happening Feb. 14 – 17, 2020.

Scientific American Silent Skies: Billions of North American Birds Have Vanished

Audubon North America Has Lost More Than 1 in 4 Birds

Cornell Chronicle Nearly 30% of Birds in US Have Disappeared

Nature Canada How Climate Change is Impacting Birds

Mass Audubon Effects of Climate Change on Birds

Forbes Climate Change is Affecting Migration Timing of Birds

Cosmos Bird migratory patterns changing with climate

United Nations International Gathering on Birds to Discuss Migratory Species

Cornell Lab of Ornithology 

Ted Ed Video on Bird Migration Dangers