Welcome Back — New Articles to Consider

Welcome Back!

Hope you enjoyed your break and had some time to relax!

Please make sure you bring in those signed, report card envelopes tomorrow! (people who do remember will be pleasantly surprised!)

Here are some articles I found over break you may want to read in relation to our discussions about technology!

NPR 5 Things to Know About Screen Time Right Now

BBC Gaming Addiction Classified as Disorder by WHO (World Health Organization)

NPR Risk of Teen Depression Linked to Smartphone Use

Globe and Mail Your smartphone is making you stupid, antisocial, and unhealthy, so why can’t you put it down?

NPR Livestreaming Country Life Is Turning Some Chinese Farmers Into Celebrities

Globe and Mail How Much Screen Time is Harmful

CBC News Tech Toys Could Put Kids Privacy at Risk

CBC Health News Screens ‘Not a Toy’

American Psychological Association Guidelines for Youth Using Digital Technologies (says 2015, but updated 2016)

CNN Why Parents Fear Technology (and some common rumours that feed the fears)

Fast Company 3 Ways Technology Is Helping Kids

Globe and Mail Youth and Technology: Power and Danger

Psychology Today Cognitive Benefits in Playing Video Games

BBC Future Why Video Games May Be Good For You

Telegraph Is Video Gaming Bad For You? Science FOR and AGAINST

Unicef — This is dense/more advanced reading, so mature readers only. It was mentioned in the NPR article above – Chapter 1 and 4 of the PDF document have relevant information, especially starting at page 107. You can skip to certain sections using the pages in the table of contents and putting the number in to Adobe at the top of the screen. Be aware again that this is a mature read, just like the mature reads from our library. State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World

See you tomorrow!

Ms. D