Upcoming Events for MACC April – June

Dear Parents:

As part of our unit on interconnectedness with nature, we will spend some exciting time outside and learning about nature. Here are some quick notes about upcoming events:

Everett Crowley Walk April 11: Everett Crowley Park nearby is a great place to explore for a shorter walking trip to identify plants. I need 2-3 parents to walk with us from the school and back, weather depending, on Tuesday April 11, 9:00 – 12:00. Please let me know if you can help.

OWL Visit ​April 12: The OWL Rescue organization from Delta will visit us April 12th from 10:00-11:30. There will be a fee of approximately $7.50, and I will be collecting it after the visit because I need the kilometre charge to indicate the exact amount. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Watershed Field Trip April 18: Remember field trip to Lower Seymour coming up! Details on what to bring will be reviewed in class. Bus leaves promptly at 9AM, so please be at school at 8:50.  No umbrellas allowed for students and adults, so please have waterproof jackets with hoods to stay dry. Also helpful is a small, water resistant bag, and we will talk about how to prepare for this in class.​

Dragon Boating May 16,23,26: Dragon Boating confirmed for mornings of May 16, 23 and 26 for $25. Notice will come out late April so we can space out payments of field trips. If you volunteered to help drive, please mark dates and confirm via the notice.

Deep Cove Kayaking June 20: Our end of year celebration is June 20th, Tuesday; notice going out Wednesday, April 5th. Two hours of kayaking with instruction and guides, as well as picnic/bag lunch at the park. I am collecting $28.85 early due to a deposit being required. Thank you to PAC for some funding to lower costs. I will need parent drivers for transportationPlease advise via the notice if you can help. Three parents can participate in kayaking, and we also need some people to just help with getting us there and back. Any concerns, please let me know!​

Ultimate Session in June: A past student of mine now has a business of his own (and made me feel old and proud all at the same time!) — Ultipros Academy — and he will be coming to do a free ultimate session with the students in June! For more information about their group, please see:   https://ultipros.jimdo.com/

Independent Project Display June 23rd Tentative 12:00 – 2:00 PM:​ We will display independent projects this day. We will tentatively do it over lunch with the hope you can come and see student projects, taking a quick break from work. Please mark calendars and see if you can join us. If you need me to adjust hours so you can make it (without doing after school) then please let me know.

Helpful Items for Nature Exploration:​  

  • ​Look for egg cartons and 12 ounce glass jars with lids. Please keep at home until needed. 
  • For students with sensitive skin, it may be helpful to have cheap gardening gloves from the dollar store (only if they fit well so they can grab things) as then they don’t have to worry about accidentally touching an irritant during plant collection. 

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions! 

Ms. D