Welcome Back! Beginning of the 2016-17 School Year

Hello Everyone!

For those of you who are checking the blog, I thought I would put out a quick message to say hello and welcome back to all students! I hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin the new year.

Our first day is Tuesday, September 6th, and we have a short time together. We will start at 8:50 AM and then dismiss at 10:00 AM. Right at 10:00 AM I am going to teacher meetings, so if you need to meet with me, please email me or see me during my office hours, which begin on September 13th and will be every Tuesday from 3-4:30 PM.

The rest of the first week is the regular schedule, 8:50 AMĀ – 3:00 PM.

The first day, no supplies are needed, although you can bring them in if you wish.

On Wednesday, please be on time, as we will have a school assembly right at 9 AM!

On Tuesday, I will be handing out more information and notices for all students and posting details of these on the blog under Notices and Forms.

See you all soon!

Ms. D