Building, Student Leds, Thinking About Our Products – April 19

Hello Everyone,

For April 28th Student Led Conferences, your children have come up with some great ideas of how to share work with you!  In order for it to be successful, though, we need to have less people in one of the sessions — most of you have signed up for 2-4 PM, which at this point is now over full. If any of you who said you were coming in from 2-4 can volunteer to come in the 5-7 PM timeframe, that is helpful; just let me know via email. If you know you are coming at a specific time, please let your child know or tell me via email so I know if we are spaced out enough for attendance. Thank you for your help accommodating your children’s creative student-led ideas!

Also, we have had an item go missing from class and we are trying very hard to find it. A student brought in a precious rock to share — it is an egg-shaped and sized, polished shiny stone with a cracked center. I have asked all students to please help me look for the item. Thank you for your help!

Tonight, students are looking up cheap crafty ideas for items they can sell at our MACC MALL. We are still finishing activities from this unit, including rocks and minerals and government, but I have asked them to begin thinking about our end project, which will be to produce their own product. To make the product, they need to get a patent for their idea, have the product safety-tested by our government committee, make a budget for costs and set a price, do market research using a survey, and advertise the item using a poster, mini movie, or simple skit. We will be inviting other classes to come in and spend tickets to purchase the items when they are complete.

Please ensure all work is turned in — some people have not turned in the Fishing Log from last week, and others are missing Lit Circle assignments. Ms. D has returned a lot of work and will be giving more tomorrow. If you want to improve your mark, you are welcome to re-do the work or add to it to receive an upgrade — just please do it before we finish this unit so we can move on to our next set of activities.

Have a great night!

Ms. D