Upcoming Projects & Dates

Hello Everyone,

Today we talked about rocks and minerals, and we had an opportunity to look at several cool collections of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. We will continue doing more work on this for science in coming days. Today we also spent time building our models, and boy, the classroom was quite the workshop of activity all morning! Tomorrow, we will talk mainly about government and have time for our next lit circle meeting, music, math budgeting, and finishing our resources work.

Upcoming project will be deciding on a product we could sell as part of our MACC Mall. Students will design and produce a product and then sell it to other students in the school during designated times, with the use of pretend currency/tickets. To create the item, a budget will have to be followed (thus, our work on excel), an advertisement of some sort must be done, and supplies/labour must be paid for as part of production costs. More on this soon! Also, another project will be when we finish the Lit Circle book, choosing one of several presentation methods to talk about the book and convince others to read it.

Upcoming dates:

April 22 — Field Trip to Genetics Lab

April 25 and 26 — no school for professional development days

April 28 and 29 — early dismissal at 2PM

April 28 — student led conferences; notice to come to you Monday about coming during our MACC 4/5 open house time, so your child can share with you work we have done


Please bring a rock to share (backyard, from a collection, picture of favourite, etc.)

Prepare for Lit Circle Meeting

Find more materials for your scale model in math


Have a good night!