What is a NEED or a WANT? Update for March 29th

Hello Everyone!

Please see this attached parent notice regarding our field trip to the BC Cancer Agency Genetics Lab on April 22ndGenetics Lab Parent Notice MACC. Paper version to come tomorrow.

Congratulations to Tove, Adrian, and Ella, as all three students had their poetry or prose chosen to be included in the District’s Words Anthology! Great work!

Today we started talking about our new unit focus statement: 

Humans create a variety of systems and tools

to get their needs and wants met.

Our first activity to get us thinking about the unit was called Lost at Sea! We all pretended to be on a yacht in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that goes down. We have to survive using the few items that remain undamaged from the wreck. We prioritized the 15 items from 1-5, with 1 being the item that would be most important and 15 being the item we could probably do without. Afterwards, we also ranked the list with a partner for comparison. Finally, we checked our answers by what the Coast Guard had to say about the list, to see if we would have survived or not.  Tonight, students have been asked to get parents to rank the items, too! See if you would survive!  The red link above has the survival chart so you can see your results.

We also did some brainstorming about needs and wants. How do you know the difference between needs and wants? Each student was given 10 cards to record the items they think would make them the most happy. In small groups, we organized the cards into needs and wants, and we also discussed which items would cost money versus those that would be free. After much debate, we made a larger chart of needs and wants for the whole class with the cards. Some great questions arose, such as: Is education a need or a want? Do you absolutely need money to survive? Is music free? Do you need freedom to live (versus just being happy)?

We also watched a PBS cartoon called Happiness Stuff to introduce discussion about whether having “stuff” makes you happy or not.

Also today, we had a chance to visit the library, continue work on the final drafts of our immigration narrative, prepare for our next literature circle meeting tomorrow, and begin work on a drawing-collage art project involving nature, line, and composition.

Please remember to bring in LIBRARY BOOKS as there were many overdue books today. Our library day is Tuesday every week.

Please look for the following items that will help us in class:

  • Earbuds: For future research and use of tutorials with sound during class, it is a good idea to have a pair of these, or headphones, that can be stored in your backpack during the day.
  • Transparent Tape: For a future art project, I need as many rolls of transparent packing tape as possible. If you are willing to donate some, please send it to school!
  • PENCILS: Unfortunately, we are almost out of pencils from our supplies collected at the beginning of the year. I am putting out an all-call to students and parents to bring in more if possible.
  • Model Building Supplies: Think about what you will need to make a scale model of your building. Please look for cardboard and other recycling items that would be helpful. Bring in on Thursday if you have items.

For tonight, limit the time spent on individual homework:

  • Do 15 minutes max of editing or writing of final draft narrative (more class time will be given Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Final Draft due EOD Friday.
  • Do 15-30 minutes max of preparing for Literature Circle meeting tomorrow

Have a great night!

Ms. D