Follow Up from Ms. D – Punctuation and Grammar!

Here are some videos you can watch to help with the question, “Do I use a comma or not?” You can also learn about FANBOYS (conjunctions) and other cool punctuation we discussed today.

Ted Ed Comma Story

Ted Ed How to Use a Semicolon

Ted Ed The Case Against Good and Bad – Use Better Words

Ted Ed When to Use Apostrophes

Ted Ed How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English?

MiaAcademy Run-On Sentences and Fragments

And for a deeper conversation about whether grammar matters…. (not for everyone, just for those deeper thinkers who like language!)

Ted Ed Does Grammar Matter?

Or, for a funny video about how contractions are made (given the errors in our writing around contractions….)

Scratch Garden Contractions

If you know a video that helps, let Ms. D know!