Core Competency Reflection 2022-23 School Year

Before June 15th, please have this completed as we would any e-port. It is included as a part of your report cards and will be visible to parents, principal, and your future teacher if applicable. Thank you!

We have gone over the core competencies; however, if you need a review of what they are, so you can know which one you are talking about, here is a link to the BC Core Competencies Ministry of Education

TITLE:  Core Competency Reflection 2022-23 School Year

For each of the core competencies below, please:

  1. Tell me what the competency means to you.
  2.  Give me a specific example of a way you have used that competency this year.
  3.  Tell me what you would like to work on in that competency for next year.
  4.  Feel free to include any pictures. Please size them to be smaller, so this entry doesn’t become too long on your e-port.
  5.  Limit your response to one paragraph maximum for each competency.

The core competencies are:

  1.  Communicating
  2.  Collaborating
  3.  Creative Thinking
  4.  Critical and Reflective Thinking
  5.  Personal Awareness and Responsibility
  6.  Positive Personal and Cultural Identity
  7.  Social Awareness and Responsibility