E-Port: Visit from Journalist Theresa Lalonde, CBC

Hello Everyone,

If you were absent for the presentation today, please get notes from the journal of a friend, as Ms. Lalonde spoke today about a lot of great things we need to know as we move forward in the unit.

You should be able to answer the questions below even if you were not here if you check in with a person from class, as I wrote the notes on the board for everyone, and we went over it together after the presentation, as well. Let me know if you don’t understand a question or need help.

E-Port Title:  Visit from Journalist Theresa Lalonde, CBC


What are the six things a journalist needs to consider as they decide the topic for a news report or article?

How is ethics a part of being a quality journalist?

When you write an article or news broadcast, what is something that will make your writing POP and get the attention of the reader or viewer?

What are the three main objectives of a journalist — what do they do?

What does civic engagement mean?

Why do people put fake news out there?

What does a journalist do to ensure they are not sued for libel?

What does a news producer do?