Discrimination and Understanding Why It Happens, E-Port January 9, 2023

This entry is due Monday, January 16th. Please make sure you finished the Problem Solving E-Port from before the winter break, as well. Some of the answers to these questions may come from work you are doing the week of January 9th.

Title:  Discrimination and Understanding Why it Happens


What is discrimination? Why do you think it happens?

Can you give and explain some examples of things in society we hear about that may not be necessarily true?  (Think about our discussions on gender, family structure, the value of certain jobs, stereotypes.)

How does understanding the many ways people express themselves, the many differences in the world, help us either right now or in the future?

Every behaviour has a reason behind it, and people are usually trying to get one of their needs met. What are the other needs a human being may have other than survival (air, food, water, shelter)? Please use the handout we did in class to help you.

What did we learn about “words that hurt”? What do you think YOU can do to help solve the problem of hurtful words being said at school?

What did you think about as we learned about four of the ways discrimination has happened in the history of Canada?   (Komagata Maru, Residential Schools, Japanese Canadian Internment, Chinese Head Tax)

Which human rights were denied during these events of discrimination and racism in Canada?

Was or is an apology necessary for these events in our history? Why?