Culture Party December 9th, Friday

As part of our new unit, we are talking about our CULTURE. On December 9th, we will have a My Culture Party, during which everyone can share items related to their culture!

Get your creative thinking going! Here are some of the things you can consider bringing, and I encourage you to talk with your parents ahead of Dec. 9th to get some ideas and prepare for bringing something in to share.

  1.  Traditional clothing important to you or your family — you can wear it if you want, or just bring it
  2.  Artwork representing your culture, or that is important to your family
  3.  Something representing a favourite tradition, festival, or routine in your family
  4.  Picture displays of foods and items representing your culture
  5.  Family pictures, showing your extended relations
  6.  Objects representing your nationality, such as a flag, clothing, national colours
  7.  Items representing your favourite activities, especially things done as a family
  8.  Religious artifacts and objects representing your family’s beliefs
  9.  A map if it helps us understand where your family comes from
  10.  Interactive elements – such as having us make something you traditionally make during an important event to you.

Culture can be many things. It isn’t just about nationality or ethnicity. It is about “the way you do things in your family or community”! What are your traditions? What is normal in terms of routines, foods, clothing, and activities for you and your family? Even a birthday and the way you choose to celebrate it or not is part of your culture.

I look forward to seeing your culture display! You can ask me more questions via email or in class as you begin to prepare something to bring.

By the way — you don’t need a trifold or poster, and you don’t need to be spending hours on a PowerPoint, which we won’t have time to do in class. This is about sharing, and when I have done this in the past, students share in many different ways.

Just be prepared to explain on one index card why you are bringing in the things you are, so you are prepared to speak with us in person. It is a good thing to prepare this index card so you have notes to work from.